
[BIFF 2023] Daily Newsletter: Day 9 (Oct 12)

  • 2023. 10. 13  17:41
Oct 12, 2023 - DAY 9  2023.10.13
■ The 28th Busan International Film Festival : Oct 4 (Wed) – Oct 13 (Fri)

■ The 18th Asian Contents & Film Market : Oct 7 (Sat) – Oct 10 (Tues)

🏆 Closing Ceremony Awardees 🏆
Daily Reviews

Flash Forward : The Peasants - DK WELCHMAN, Hugh WELCHMAN

New-made furniture, scuffed to look vintage, rarely convinces as anything other than pastiche. Portraits painted as closely as possible to resemble the photographs on which they’re based are a similarly strange phenomenon: admiration for the painter’s skill is undercut by the sense of creative constraint. For the same reasons The Peasants, on which married directors DK and Hugh Welchman apply the technique — of hand-painting over live-action frames — that brought them breakout success with Van Gogh biopic Loving Vincent, is a film that impresses in its painstaking, years-long construction, without ever really supplying a reason (beyond prettiness) for such a laborious aesthetic.

Jiseok : Bride Kidnapping- Mirlan ABDYKALYKOV

Near the beginning and near the end of Mirlan Abdykalykov‘s beautifully made but tough-minded, enraging Bride Kidnapping there are literally mirroring shots of the main character, 19-year-old Umut (Akak Berdibekova). At the start, she gazes at her reflection in modest pleasure as she gets dressed: a lovely young woman, with a ready, dimpled smile, looking forward to the day and to a simple but fulfilling future as a nurse. In a matter of a few days she will be again at that wardrobe mirror, but her demeanor will be entirely changed.

Korean Cinema Today : House of the Seasons - OH Jung-min

Family will break your heart and bruise your heart and mend your heart like no one else can — not always in that order, and sometimes all three at once. In his exceptional, happy-sad-funny debut film House of the Seasons, Oh Jung-min creates a beautiful tapestry of intimate sprawl, as three generations of a meddlesome, quarrelsome, loving Korean clan experience all the colors of familial life while the hills of their village home phase from lush green to copper and russet to stark, snowy white.
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Suyeonggangbyeon-daero, Haeundae-gu, Busan 48058, Korea
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