
Official Poster

The 1st Poster of the 4th Busan International Film Festival

This poster by Professor HEU Hwang was completed through the design works of CHOI Soon-dae, who is the art director of the Pusan International Film Festival. By constructing the background with an ancient book that recordes the life in the palace of Joseon dynasty from about a hundred years ago, the poster expresses the film festival taking steps to become an international film festival with grandeur while maintaining a sense of national identity that goes beyond an ordinary local film festival found everywhere in the world through an image of the ancient book, which is a comprehensive medium of expressing the culture, tradition, and history of Korea. The area painted black on the left side of the screen (the ancient book) indicates black-and-white film or artistic interiority defined by destiny, the edges express the three elements of color (red, yellow, and green) or color film, and the blue symbolizes the ocean of Busan. On the right side, the shape of a video camera within the Korean culture in the ancient book is expressed through repetitions of naturalistic brushstrokes, symbolically expressing the Korean and international identity of the Pusan International Film Festival.

The 2nd Poster of the 4th Busan International Film Festival

This poster by Professor RHEE Seundja emphsizes a soft and feminine image compared to past posters. The main features are the expression of the peaceful sea through the sea bird sitting atop the wavy background as well as female vitality and strength shown through the image of a woman yearning for something. If past posters emphasized a film festival where the dynamicism and vitality of the sea could be felt, this poster is special in that the media of the sea bird and the woman, which are quite abstract, are made into an image. This is expressing the achievement of the Pusan International Film Festival's yearnings through the liveliness of nature and feminine vitality. The pastel color scheme through which a feminine warmth could be felt and the mystic ambience in which mint, lavender and pink blend together evoke an image of the film festival that has a unique sentiment that speaks of the hope and futurity towards a new millennium. This poster by Professor RHEE Seundja was completed through the design works of CHOI Soon-dae, professor at the Busan Arts College and the art director of the Pusan International Film Festival.

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