
영화 정보

Daughter from Yan′an

Wide Angle

Family · Love/Romance · Politics/Conspiracy  

  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year2001
  • Running Time120min
Program Note
One of the unknown aspects of the Cultural Revolution was the banning of love, which according to the revolutionaries, was considered decadent and capitalist. However no policy can stop two young persons from falling in love, even if exiled to countryside. As punishment, the lovers are sentenced to forced labor, and the woman ordered to have an abortion. Daughter from Yan’an is a film about the darker past of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and an attempt to heal the still persistent wounds. Abandoned 20 days after birth, Haixia is a victim of the Cultural Revolution. Although only 27, in search of her birth parents, she is a woman with the face of a 40-year-old. Ironically, Huang, a man who comes to aid her quest, is an ex-Red Guard. The film, while focusing on the reunion between daughter and father, also focuses on the guilt and scars of the ex-Red Guard. The camera follows the trials of those individuals who are still living the horror of the historical event. Daughter from Yan’an is an attempt to re-visit history. Director Kaoru Ikeya begins the process by wiping the blood from the scars. (Kang So-won)
Ikeya Kaoru
Born in 1958 in Tokyo, Kaoru Ikeya studied philosophy of fine art at University. He started his career as a director of TV documentaries. Consistently focused on China, his major works include One-child Policy in China and Yan’an: Yellow Soil and the New Reality, which was a Golden Nymph winner at Monte Carlo International TV Festival. Daughter from Yan’an is his first feature length documentary, after having spent 3 years in production.
  • Director Ikeya Kaoru 이케야 카오루
  • Producer Yoko Gon(Kwon Yang Ja), Satoshi Kitgawa, Toshio Nakanish
  • Cast He Haixia, Huang Yuling, Wang Luchang
  • Cinematography Masaharu Fukui
  • Editor Masaharu Yoshioka
  • Music San-Bao
  • Production Company NHK Multimedia Development Dept.
    2-2-1 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-8001 Japan

  • World Sales Media International Corporation
    NR Bldg. 5-5 Kamiyamo-cho, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0047 Japan

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