Official Poster

2nd BIFF Poster
The poster for the 2nd Pusan International Film Festival was designed as a configuration of the festival as a "field of cinematic gathering."
For this poster, KIM Jeong-Im, professor of fine arts at Dong-A University and an artist representing Busan, took charge of such expression along with CHOI Soon-dae, President of the Busan Illustration Council and recipient of multiple awards at various poster competitions. This poster, which combines artistic and design-oriented approaches, emblematizes the festival in the form of cinematic gathering at the courtyard, in addition to the identity of Asian cinema rendered through the melody of the festive Korean folk dance moves and the film projector and pieces of film strips. The poster, which was created through printmaking, was manufactured as a large-sized poster, becoming a central means of advertising and announcing the festival. The poster for the 2nd edition of the festival used elliptical brushstrokes with the Korean folk dance moves as the main subject in order to express the regional significance of Asia and the meaning of the festival.
Since the poster deals with the film festival, the projector and film were simplified and placed in the background, and the festive ambiance was emphasized with the brushstokes since too much realism can lead to a variety of implied meanings. Further, by embellishing the poster with "Pusan International Film Festival" written in cursive, a free and natural tone was highlighted. In order to emphasize the quality of the colors, strong colors were avoided and grayscale of medium tone was used to give a sense of unity.