
Official Poster

11th BIFF Poster

The official poster of 11th edition of the Pusan International Film Festival is inspired by the concept of Korean traditional fan. Folding fans were created at the Goryeo dynasty of which the craftsmanship was transferred to China and Japan later on. Since its production, the painted fan on which pictures or characters are drawn became very popular.

The tradition and the spirit of the painted fan invented by Korean ancestors at the Goryeo dynasty have been inherited to the present.

‘The Bird in Dream,’ the original drawing for 11th Pusan International Film Festival is the artwork of Hye-young Namgoong who has constantly produced pictures of folding fans, and the poster is completed after a design by Soon-dae Choi, an art director of PIFF.

‘The Bird in Dream’ is a combination of shape of a free bird flying in the sky, which depicts accordance of the East and the West and the past and the present. It also expresses the dynamic beauty of cinematic imagination and the progressive ideal of PIFF that dreams of the flight of Asian cinema.

Poster Original ArtistNAMGOONG Hye-young
  • Born in Seoul in 1960
  • 1980~1984, BFA in Western Painting at Duksung Women’s University
  • 1998–2001, MFA in Art Education at Ewha Womans University
  • 2002–2005, The 26th Exhibition of International Art on Fan (Tokyo Museum Japan, Seoul)
  • 2003–2005, Korea & Japan Contemporary Arts (Yokohama City Museum, Japan)
  • 2004, Artpia Fine Arts Group Exhibition (Seoul)
  • 2006, The 26th Exhibition of International Art on Fan (Japan, Award of Excellence)
  • 2006, The 1th Solo Exhibition, ‘The Nude in Dream’ (Seoul)
  • 2006, The 2th Solo Exhibition, ‘The Bird in Dream’ (Seoul)

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