Wide Angle
Twenty TwoThis documentary is a record of the memories and lives of the few surviving Japanese “comfort women” living in China. Of the 200,000 victims taken as comfort women by the Japanese army during World War II, only 22 remain in Mainla...
Wide Angle
Nia′s DoorFilipina Nia, working in Taiwan, has carefully cultivated a boundary between her and her employers, keeping to herself?much to the displeasure of her boss. The resulting tension is the basis for this resonant, recognizable film ab...
Wide Angle
FamilyA father who leads a lackluster life suddenly becomes excited about the prospect of reunions for families separated by the Korean War. To the son, having such an energetic father is just as uncomfortable as his usual ho-hum father...
Wide Angle
The Other SideThe Other Side explores individuals who exist somewhere between a state of illegality and anarchy: a couple trying to get free of drug abuse, young people desperate for work, old people now abandoned, ex-special forces soldiers wh...
Wide Angle
Dancing CatMIN Yong-geun, who made his debut with Re-encounter directed this short film after last year’s Bicycle Thiefwoman receives a phone call that leaves her visibly disturbed. Shortly thereafter, a man who appears to be the woman’s hu...
Wide Angle
Reach For The SKYThis work depicts the grotesque reality of Korea. Routine entrance-exam life reflected by individuals like Kim Gihoon, a star lecturer, Hyein, a middle-school honor-student, Hyeonhwa, now studying hard for another year to enter th...
Wide Angle
Hpakant Jade LifeThe world’s best jade can be found around volatile Hpakant, Myanmar. For many residents of Hpakant, options for a better life are limited, and can mean either leaving home, engaging in drug trafficking or hoping for a windfall wor...
Wide Angle
Life on the BorderThe documentary with 8 episodes lends the director’s chair to 8 children living in refugee camps in Kobane and Shengal, after IS attacked their homes. In search of a medium to share their agony and suffering, the children embrace ...
Wide Angle
Where Mermaids GoYujin, a pharmacist, receives news that her mother has been in a diving accident at sea, and, after hurrying to Jeju Island, discovers that the coastguard has been unable to find her. In a magical twist, Yujin′s mother returns as ...
Wide Angle
Still and AllStill and All is a story about the souls living beneath the Yeongdo Bridge in Busan. Yeongdo and its bridge offer a historical space with lingering traces from the Japanese colonial era to the Korean War. The people under Yeongdo ...