Wide Angle
SUNTwo boys go to live in a temple. Sundong is sent there when his mother is deported, while Sundoo goes voluntarily when he is tempted to kill himself after suffering from school violence. The film starts with a scene where two boys...
Wide Angle
Sunday Beauty QueenIn Hong Kong, more than 190,000 female Filipina immigrants work as house maids. They live in with their employers and provide 24-hour services six days per week, with just Sunday off. Twenty-nine-year-old Cherry goes to Chater Gar...
Wide Angle
SupotIn some provinces in the Philippines, boys are circumcised at 10 by a man called mang tutuli. When Rene-boy, the son of mang tutuli Itoy, flees his circumcision, his shame forces him to face the ultimate challenge: proving to his ...
World Cinema
Sweet DreamsTorino,1969. The pastoral childhood of nine-year-old Massimo is shattered with the mysterious death of his mother. Thirty years later, Massimo is a successful journalist at La Stampa. He decides to sell his parents’ apartment fill...
Wide Angle
Ta′angTa’ang is Chinese documentary filmmaker Wang Bing’s new film, which focuses on a refugee crisis?but these refugees are an ethnic minority. The Ta’ang live in the mountains of northern Burma and are battling government forces. Ta’a...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Tam Cam: The Untold StoryTam Cam: The Untold Story confirms the present state of the growing Vietnamese entertainment industry. Adapted from a Vietnamese fairy tale, Tam Cam: The Untold Story is similar in narrative structure to Cinderella: kind and beaut...
Special Programs in Focus
Taste of CherryAbbas Kiarostami sets out again. As did all his other selves, another of his alter egos, Badii, ventures out in search of something. Kiarostami, who searched for hope in his Koker Trilogy, now searches for life’s meaning and value...
Wide Angle
TempestadA morning on a quite normal day: Miriam is arrested at her workplace and is accused, without proof, of “people trafficking”. The violence she suffered and was exposed to during her imprisonment has left a profound gap in her life....
Korean Cinema Today
The Age of ShadowsJapanese police officer Lee Jeongchul is mobilized to mop up the Korean independent movement group?ordered to befriend them and gather information to catch the ringleader of the group. He heads to Shanghai with Kim Woojin, a membe...