A Window on Asian Cinema
White SunWhen his father dies, former anti-regime partisan Chandra must travel to his remote mountain village after nearly a decade away. Little Pooja is anxiously awaiting to see the man she thinks is her father for the first time. But sh...
Wide Angle
WindAcclaimed Australian-born, Hong Kong-based cinematographer Christopher Doyle gets the biographical treatment in Wind, which traces the filmmaker’s life and work from his home at age three to his first film 30 years later, in a per...
Wide Angle
Window Horses다문화 가정에서 자란 소녀의 성장기. 중국과 이란 부모 사이에 태어난 캐나다 젊은 소녀 로지 밍은 아르바이트를 하면서 혼자 시를 쓴다. 어느 날 이란 시 페스티발에 초대를 받은 그녀는 자신을 돌본 중국 조모의 품을 떠나 생애 첫 혼자 여행을 떠난다. 이란에 도착한 로지 밍은 시인으로서, 이란과 중국과 캐나다를 가로지르는 역사에 대해, 그 사이에 자신의 출생과 가족사에 대해 조금씩 알아간다. 문화와 세대를 가로...
Flash Forward
Wolf and SheepAfghan villagers often share stories full of mystery and imagination to explain the world. The country’s mountaintops serve as a playground for children, who maintain gender separation even when no adults are present to enforce it...
Flash Forward
Worldly GirlAs a Jehovah’s Witness, Giulia lives in a world shaped by a religion that strictly excludes outsiders, filled with restraint, pressure and scriptures. She falls in love with Libero, an ex-convict working for her father. Libero is ...
Flash Forward
Worlds ApartWorlds Apart is made up of three love stories between Greeks and foreigners. The first is about Greek Daphne and Syrian refugee Farris. The two fall in love when Daphne almost gets her bag stolen and Farris comes to her aid. But t...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Woven Wings of Our ChildrenWoven Wing of Our Children is a good-hearted movie. The children living in a Philippines ghetto grow up too fast, dealing with the cruel world where they have to be responsible for their own lives. But they have bright, innocent a...
Wide Angle
Year of the BirdTwo Buddhist lamas are individually dealing with their own personal crises. Older Paljor is wracked with guilt and younger Tashi has lost perspective. When they meet at a retreat intended to help them find clarity they wind up cha...
Korean Cinema Today
YongsoonYongsoon, an 18-year-old high school student, is a daring, fearless girl who falls in love with the coach of her school’s athletics team. When she discovers that he has a lover, the pain is almost too much for her to bear. To make...
Gala Presentation
your name.The much-anticipated new animated film from Shinkai Makoto, hailed by some as even the “Post Miyazaki Hayao”. It features an all-star line-up of filmmakers, musicians, and voice actors including character designer Tanaka Masayosi,...