World Cinema
Price of FameAfter a stint in prison, Eddy stays with a friend, Osman, to look after his seven-year-old daughter. Osman’s wife needs an operation but the couple doesn’t have the money. One day, Charlie Chaplin dies, and the two friends decide ...
World Cinema
Queen and Country1952. Bill Rohan is 18, dreaming his life away at the family’s riverside home, waiting to be called up for two years’ conscription in the Army. He swims each morning and yearns for a pretty girl who cycles past on the towpath acro...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Red AmnesiaThe latest feature from one of China’s leading filmmakers from Sixth Generation is an extraordinary, realistic expose of the dark shadows of history and social reality drawn over the daily life of Chinese society. Zhong Lu plays D...
Wide Angle
Red ArmyA stubborn-looking middle-aged man is getting ready for an interview. He soon starts speaking frankly to the camera and the director. It’s Slava Fetisov, the legendary hockey hero that brought the gold medal to Soviet Russia and t...
World Cinema
Return to IthacaHavana at sunset. Five friends have gathered for the first time in years on the rooftop of a building looking down at the city to celebrate the return of Amadeo after 16 years of exile. From dusk till dawn, they reminisce about th...
Gala Presentation
RevivreVice President Oh is highly respected at his cosmetics company and is a faithful family man. One day, he finds out that his wife has been diagnosed with cancer and later spends every night on the hospital’s extra bed to keep her c...
Korean Cinema Today
Roaring CurrentsIn this reproduction of one of the greatest battles in Korean history, Choi Min-sik plays General Yi Sun-sin, who defeated 330 ships of the Japanese force with only a dozen ships. The first half of this film outlines the desperate...
Flash Forward
Rocks in My PocketsWith her first long feature, animator and director Signe Baumane frankly and courageously talks about the depression and madness that have afflicted many female members of her family, including her grandmother. From an autobiograp...
Wide Angle
RowboatA boy meets a girl on Green Lake, Taipei’s famous dating spot. Mesmerized by the girl’s beauty, the boy spares no effort in getting closer to her. The chemistry between them is palpable. Will their love truly begin when the boy fi...
World Cinema
Saint LaurentBertrand Bonello’s Saint Laurent(2014) is one of the many films that emerged about the world famousfashion desig ner Yves Saint Laurent after his death. But none of the films so comfortably fit the life of Saint Laurent as this on...