Special Programs in Focus
SusaSusa works as a messenger boy for his mother’s illegal vodka trade, and everyone he meets during his delivery trips are drinkers and neighborhood bullies. The only way to escape from this monotonous life is to look into his kaleid...
A Window on Asian Cinema
TaksuChihiro is always thinking about death, worrying all those around him. He struggles as his desire to live wanes overtime. Chihiro and his wife, Yuri, decide to go on a trip to see his sister Kumi’s home in Bali, and Yuri hopes thi...
A Window on Asian Cinema
TalesThe film begins on the streets of Teheran shot from a taxi. Then follows a series of clips from stories pivoting on various people, including a cab driver, a woman on the street, a mother, a laborer and people from a women’s shelt...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Taxi and TelephoneIn Kyrgyzstan of the former Soviet Union during the 1960s a taxi is parked in front of a public phone booth. It is late at night with only a few people seeking to use the phone booth. The taxi stubbornly waits to fill up with four...
Wide Angle
That Boy EmilLiving in Lonneberga, Smaland in southern Sweden, Emil is a mischievous boy whose days are filled with petty incidents and daily adventures. One day he disguises himself as a beggar in order to make money to buy sticky flypaper fo...
Wide Angle
That Day of the MonthGoy and Lee, two 12th-grade girls, are best friends who always sit next to each other in the classroom. Right on schedule, the girls' periods always arrive at the same time every month, but until now. (KIM Young-woo)
World Cinema
The AbsentAn old man lives alone in a shabby cabin in a remote mountainous area of Mexico. His house is set to be demolished in order to facilitate the redevelopment of the area. He doesn’t know how to protect his house. Time goes by and on...
Wide Angle
The ActressAn actress who went mountain climbing with her friends happens to join a few men, including an arrogant producer, for a drink. As they get drunk, they start to reveal their prejudices toward her. (NAM Dong-chul)
Wide Angle
The Anxious Day OutAfter 10 years on the run and five years in prison, pro-reunification agitator Yun gi-jin is allowed one year of freedom. Barely having enjoyed it, he is again charged with violating the national security law, and awaits new judgm...
Flash Forward
The BarberThe life of a small town's beloved barber is turned upside down by the arrival of a mysterious stranger. Eugene Van Wingerdt has been a pillar of this community for years but no one in this small town knows that he may be hiding a...