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International Premiere 36

New Currents

  • Thailand
  • 2012
  • 68min

Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit’s experimental film consists of 36 static camera shots that tell a story of how we store memories in the digital era. Sai, a location scout working for a studio, takes pictures whenever she’s working and...

5 Broken Cameras

Wide Angle

5 Broken Cameras
  • Palestine,Israel,France,Netherlands
  • 2012
  • 90min

A camera set up in a small Palestinian village to record a child’s growth inadvertently records a squad of Israeli soldiers setting up a fence, a border. Not only are the families and friends separated by the random barrier, but t...

International Premiere A Better Life Is Elsewhere

Wide Angle

A Better Life Is Elsewhere
  • Switzerland, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 2012
  • 90min

The camera follows a Bosnian man, a Swiss woman and a Cuban man for many years to show how they change during this period. The three people are completely different from each other, in terms of their cultural backgrounds, national...

World Premiere A Day Worth Dying For

Wide Angle

A Day Worth Dying For
  • Korea,South
  • 2012
  • 17min

When 11-year-old Yu-jung gets an early first period she immediately leaps to the incorrect conclusion that she’s dying and confides in her closest friend. But when the prettiest girl in the 6th grade professes her love for him, Y...

World Premiere A Little Farther

Wide Angle

A Little Farther
  • Iran
  • 2012
  • 29min

A man gives a young couple with a sick child a ride. Hoping to have a family of his own with a woman at the roadside shop, the man envies the family even with a sick child. Meanwhile, in another car, a couple was bickering over a ...

World Premiere A Motor Home Adventure

A Window on Asian Cinema

A Motor Home Adventure
  • China
  • 2012
  • 102min

A witty road movie by Lu Yang who won KNN Audience Award in 2010 Busan with his warm hearted debut "My Spectacular Theatre." Xu Zhaohui is a self-oriented commercially successful good-looking guy who has become the president of a ...

A Royal Affair

World Cinema

A Royal Affair
  • Denmark,Sweden,Czech Republic,Germany
  • 2012
  • 131min

Johann Friedrich Struensee, the royal physician of Denmark’s Christian IV gains the trust of the king and the queen and starts climbing up the social ladder. He tries to reduce the privileges of the aristocrats by implementing the...

International Premiere A Special Day

World Cinema

A Special Day
  • Italy
  • 2012
  • 90min

Gina, a high-school girl living in the suburb of Rome dreams of becoming an actress. One day, her mother who cares for and supports her arranges a meeting with an influential member of the National Assembly. So Gina heads for a me...

A Year of the Quiet Sun

Special Programs in Focus

A Year of the Quiet Sun
  • Poland,United States,Germany
  • 2012
  • 105min

Krzysztof Zanussi’s strong point has always been the ability of setting up situations in which characters find themselves in a conundrum without an obvious way out. Zanussi’s classic dilemmas are often not the choice between good ...

World Premiere Abigail Harm

World Cinema

Abigail Harm
  • United States,Hong Kong,China
  • 2012
  • 80min

Abigail Harm is a lonely woman living in a fictionalized New York City. She reads books for the elders and the disabled for a living. After being granted a wish by a strange visitor, asks for love and learns of a creature who migh...

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