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Wide Angle

  • Japan,France
  • 2012
  • 45min

is a collection of memories and a goodbye by director Kawase Naomi for her late grandmother, the woman that raised her after she was separated from her parents at an early age. The grandmother that had been by her side since child...

World Premiere Choongshim, Soso

Wide Angle

Choongshim, Soso
  • Korea,South
  • 2012
  • 36min

Dandong, China shares a border at the Amrok River with the neighboring city of Shinuiju, in North Korea. Illegal immigrant Choongshim works at a massage parlor, but she’s chased away by Chinese police, taking refuge with a Korean ...

World Premiere Cold Bloom

A Window on Asian Cinema

Cold Bloom
  • Japan
  • 2012
  • 120min

explores the consequences of 3.11. After the disaster, Shiori and Kenji, a couple working at a small factory recovering from the tragedy, are looking forward to having a baby. But Kenji dies in an accident caused by his colleague ...

World Premiere Cold War

Opening Film & Closing Film

Cold War
  • Hong Kong,China
  • 2012
  • 102min

Here is a mole in the police waging a war on crime, tipping off a criminal gang. Then, why the mole communicates secretly with the gang? What is their purpose? talks about a story different from other typical crime films in the c...

Comes a Bright Day

World Cinema

Comes a Bright Day
  • UK
  • 2012
  • 91min

Sam, twenty, bright, ambitious and attractive, has dreams of running a restaurant with his best friend Elliot. He has the people skills, the business plan, the best young chef around and a chronic fear of rejection. Mary is a beau...


Midnight Passion

  • United States
  • 2012
  • 90min

The story of Sandra, an overworked manager at a fast food restaurant, who receives a call from a police officer accusing one of her employees, a teenage girl named Becky, of stealing from a customer. Taking the officer at his word...

Comrade Kim Goes Flying

Special Programs in Focus

Comrade Kim Goes Flying
  • Belgium,UK,Korea,North
  • 2012
  • 81min

Kim Young-mi is a miner dreaming of becoming an acrobat with the Pyeongyang Circus Troupe. Jang Pil, a handsome and proud aerialist is looking for a new partner after his current partner announces her retirement. When he meets You...

World Premiere Convenience

Wide Angle

  • Australia
  • 2012
  • 15min

Eccentric short film, “Convenience” is set at a remote gas station and tells the enigmatic tale of a very inconvenient event. Iconic Australian indie actor, David Field plays a shopkeeper who does his baffled best, to cope with a ...


Special Programs in Focus

  • Poland
  • 2012
  • 63min

A wonderful example of a film about children that avoids traditional pitfalls of the genre, e.g. oversimplifying the characters or having them deliver messages in discrepancy with their age. Kedzierzawska masterfully directs child...


Special Programs in Focus

  • UK
  • 2012
  • 113min

Polanski’s third feature is a subversive send-up of a gangster story, heavily influenced by surrealists and the theatre of absurd (the film’s initial title was Waiting for Katelbach, clearly referencing Beckett). It is an early va...

관련 기관 사이트

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  • 문화체육관광부
  • 영화진흥위원회
  • 영화의전당