World Cinema
Violeta Went to HeavenVioletta Parra the Chilean musician, a folklorist, a visual artist is also known as the ‘mother of Latin American folklore’ with her over-arching influence in the various genres of the arts. The film is a sensational biopic on her...
World Cinema
WaterNine directors, Israeli and Palestinian, embark on a journey to create short films inspired by water, which symbolizes the source of possibilities, the primal core of all things. Produced in creative freedom under the guidance of ...
Wide Angle
Wellang TreiThe Treis, family from the Bunong Tribe, are at the center of this film, initially a history of Cambodia that also becomes a story about the difficult journey of filmmaker Kim Tae-il and his family. The Treis are wary of the Kims ...
Open Cinema
Werewolf BoyThis is a touching love story between a feral boy abandoned by the world and a girl who used to be isolated but opens her heart thanks to the boy. It is a also a story of a family caring for the boy as another family member. An el...
Wide Angle
When Bucketwheet Flowers BlossomBased on the novella by Lee Hyo-suk, this is the first in the series of Korea Short Stories, commissioned by animation studio Meditation by Pencils. Imaginative images combine with flourishes of unique Korean culture to realize Mr...
World Cinema
White BellyManel waits for the return of fog. Enric is focused on having his first sex. Furri, who has been disabled since childhood, works as an administrator at an art museum. During a village festival, the three friends wear together pupp...
Special Programs in Focus
Wish You Were HereDave, Alice, Steph and Jeremy are on holiday in Cambodia when Jeremy disappears. Desperate for answers, Dave and Alice return home, but when Alice arrives the first of many nasty secrets begins to surface. is a psychological dram...
World Cinema
Woman′s LakeLosa spends her days casting nets in the lakes and catching fish. But, she is in charge of a more important task: monitoring illegal fishing and protecting the lakes. While patrolling the lakes one day, she catches two young women...
New Currents
Your Time Is UpAsserting the idea that minor conflicts can lead to death, is a bold drama of brothers and retaliation. The younger deadbeat squanders the money he manages to borrow from his brother, who is unhappy with the arrangement and expec...
World Cinema
Yumafascinatingly depicts the experiences of a young Polish man going astray and becoming a gang member like a famous Hollywood revisionist western Bonnie and Clyde. Set in the early 1990s, a 20-year-old man, Zyga, living near the bor...