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A Window on Asian Cinema

  • Palestine,Netherlands,United Arab Emirates,United States
  • 2011
  • 78min

Reasons for hopeless love vary from era to era, and from society to society. Sometimes love cannot be acted upon or expressed because of social or political reasons. Such cases are where love stories morph into social dramas. Qa...


A Window on Asian Cinema

  • Uzbekistan,Korea
  • 2011
  • 88min

Korean-Uzbek Stas was once a taekwondo master and is a popular resident in hisneighborhood. But when he begins to dabble in drug use with his friends, he heads down a path that will cost him everything he values. His friends begin...


A Window on Asian Cinema

  • Japan
  • 2011
  • 91min

This is the sixth feature film by Naomi Kawase, who is gaining international recognition as a documentary as well as feature filmmaker. Set in a historical Japanese city where the excavation of ancient ruins is under way, a myster...


Korean Cinema Today

  • Korea
  • 2011
  • 118min

This is a fictional drama and documentary about people who are trying to restore Jeonju Sago on Hanji paper, the only remaining annals of the Joseon Dynasty that were burned during Imjin-Waeran. The film crosses over between ficti...

International Premiere Hankyu Railway - A 15-Minute Miracle

A Window on Asian Cinema

Hankyu Railway - A 15-Minute Miracle
  • Japan
  • 2011
  • 118min

[Hankyu Railway - A 15-Minute Miracle] sounds vaguely archaic, perhaps suggesting a collection of weak cliches made to promote the Kansai train network, funded by the local council. Surprisingly, this film blurs any prejudgements ...

Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai

A Window on Asian Cinema

Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai
  • Japan
  • 2011
  • 126min

Miike Takashi’s films are undeniably controversial, violent, and gory, and despite this he is regarded by many as Japan’s definitive contemporary director. Since his 1998 inclusion on Time magazine’s list of most promising non-Eng...

International Premiere Hard Core Logo II

World Cinema

Hard Core Logo II
  • Canada
  • 2011
  • 94min

Logo II. Fifteen years after Bruce McDonald’s cult smash [Hard Core Logo], the director introduces us to rock star Care Failure, who claims to channel the spirit of Joe Dick, deceased star of the first film. Bruce tries desperatel...

World Premiere Hard Romanticker

Midnight Passion

Hard Romanticker
  • Japan
  • 2011
  • 109min

Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture ? a port town surrounded by ocean on the tip of Honshu island. Gu is born in Japan of Korean ancestry and living life as a high school dropout working part time jobs. Gu constantly gets caught u...

Here, There

A Window on Asian Cinema

Here, There
  • China
  • 2011
  • 93min

This film tells three parallel stories of lives away from home. Guoguang goes to Shanghai from the countryside and works as an assistant chef in a restaurant. His brother breeds reindeer in the mountains far away, and Lao Lu, the ...

World Premiere Here...or There?

New Currents

Here...or There?
  • Vietnam,Switzerland
  • 2011
  • 91min

A special story with a blurry line between reality and the surreal, humanity and the spirit, [Here or There] is an experimental piece open to multiple interpretations. The setting is a small Vietnamese seaside town. The daily liv...

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  • 문화체육관광부
  • 영화진흥위원회
  • 영화의전당