World Cinema
Seven Acts of MercyThe story unfolds around the seven acts in the Gospel according to Matthew. Luminita, an illegal immigrant living in a shantytown, hatches a plan to get herself out of her predicament: She bumps into Antonio, a mysterious old man....
Wide Angle
ShelterA man rests his head on a woman’s lap on a bus. He fondles her knee rather dubiously and brushes her face, but she remains unreactive. By now, they look like an intimate couple. As time goes by, the relationship between the two is...
Wide Angle
Shoji & TakaoThis emotional documentary focuses on the 50-year struggle by two men to prove their innocence after conviction for a crime largely on the basis of prior records and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The film begins with...
Special Programs in Focus
SholayAfter Thakur’s family is viciously murdered by a group of bandits he hires two outlaws Veeru and Jai for the exact revenge. Although they lead lives of theft and deceit, their bravery and righteousness is trustworthy to Thakur’s...
World Cinema
Sleep TightCesar, an old bachelor, works as a doorman in a wealthy neighborhood and lives with his ailing mother. He becomes revengeful as he despises the rich residents living in the building. Meanwhile, he pays close attention to one of th...
World Cinema
Sleeping Sickness[Sleeping Sickness] tells the story of Ebbo Velten, a German doctor who oversees a sleeping sickness treatment center in Cameroon. He is about to return to Europe with his wife, when Dr. Alex Nzila, a representative from the World...
Midnight Passion
SmugglerAfter seeing his dreams of becoming an actor go nowhere, 25 year old Kinuta does nothing but spends his time gambling everyday. Broke, framed and now neck-deep in dept, he is recruited as a smuggler - underground movers of everyth...
Midnight Passion
SnowtownBased on a series of murders in Adelaide, Snowtown is a confronting film which delights in sucking the marrow out of the bones of Australian society. Energised by a chilling performance by Daniel Henshall as the charismatic killer...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Stanley’s Tiffin BoxMore than 12 million children in India work in manual labor. [Stanley’s Tiffin Box] tells the story of this desolate reality with a dispassionate eye. Stanley never brings lunch to school. Obsessive about children having a lunch,...
Open Cinema
Star Watching DogThe raft of stories in Japan about the emotional rapport between humans and dogs is a welldocumented phenomenon. [Star Watching Dog] is another entry into the canon, a sad but warm film about the strong bond between a man and his ...