World Cinema
The BeaverPlagued by his own demons, Walter, once a successful toy executive and happy family man, has hit rock bottom and now suffers from depression. No matter what he tries, he can’t seem to get himself back on track. But in his darkest ...
A Window on Asian Cinema
The Beetle SoldiersElementary school student Amek suffers from a cleft lip, but secretly hopes to become a jockey. People hang bottles filled with their dreams on hilltop tree in the village, but Amek doesn’t bother. With his father out of reach in...
Midnight Passion
The CallerWhen troubled divorcee, Mary Kee, sets up home in her new apartment, she stumbles across an old telephone. Struck by its antique charm, she gives it pride of place in her home. Before long, she begins to receive mysterious phone c...
World Cinema
The Cardboard VillageAn old priest has devoted his whole life to a church that is about to be demolished. A group of African illegal immigrants sneaks into that church, seeking refuge while some workers come in and out of it. Despite his decline in he...
Midnight Passion
The Catechism CataclysmFather Billy is forced to take a sabbatical by his superiors when he is discovered telling inappropriate parables to his flock. He goes canoe trip with Robbie, his sister’s ex-boyfriend. When night approaches, they realize they ...
Special Programs in Focus
The ConventMichael, a professor who wants to prove that Shakespeare was originally from Spain, comes with his wife Helene to stay in a convent with a long history. Subtle nuances can be detected between Michael and Piedade, who is helping hi...
Korean Cinema Today
The Day He ArrivesDirector Hong Sang-soo’s twelfth feature depicts a brief visit to Seoul by Sung-joon(Yu Jun-sang), a film director with four feature film credit and professor of some university of Daegu. The Professor attempts to see his senior(K...
World Cinema
The Double StepsThere is a legend about the French author and painter Francois Augieras who is said to have painted a fresco in Africa during the mid-20th century ? when one of his pieces was destroyed, he painted it again and then buried it in a...
World Cinema
The EnemyIt is 1995. In Bosnia an engineering unit cleans mine fields on the borderlands. They doubt one other yet spending their days without doing much after the end of the Balkan War. Even though there is not any enemy visible, each of ...
Korean Cinema Today
The Front LineIt is February, 1953 and truce talks are not going well. Control of Aerok Hill, on the eastern frontier, constantly changes sides. As the director noted about his ambitious human drama set in the battlefield, the main character of...