Special Programs in Focus
All about Ah LongAh Long, a former motorcycle racer who was injured while running from the police, tries to put his life back together after being released from jail. Estranged from his wife and son, he decides to take a chance at the race track o...
Open Cinema
All that I LoveLike Romania’s defining Nicolae Ceausescu years and Ireland’s Troubles, Poland’s Solidarity movement has cast a lasting shadow on the country and had an indelible impact. Set during the early 1980s when Solidarity was still simply...
Korean Cinema Retrospective
An Aimless BulletThrough an indigent family living a destitute life, he reveals the difficulties of postwar Korean society. Accountant clerk Chul-Ho, his disabled vet brother and the rest of the family tries to cope with harsh reality only to see ...
Wide Angle
Ando-CAn oriental legend which says every that 1,800 years, two stars can be seen near each other, and that one of them is red and the other one yellow. If someone in shifting the color watches the transforming process they will lose th...
World Cinema
Angel at SeaBruno and Marie live in Morocco with their children. Bruno called the youngest child, Louis, and tells him that he is going to commit suicide soon but asks him to keep it a secret. Louis stutters, and Marie is getting tired of her...
World Cinema
AnitaBuenos Aires’ 1994 AMIA bombing provides the backdrop for this story of a young woman with Down syndrome and her quest for understanding in its aftermath. That July morning is a normal one for Anita and her mother at their small s...
Wide Angle
ArenaA young man under house arrest ponders his life and the limits of freedom. Wiling away the days by tattooing and sparring with local kids through his window, Mauro’s confined space and time lend themselves to wishful thinking that...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Ashkan, the Charmed Ring and Other StoriesAt times, the world is filled with things we cannot understand. [Ashkan, the Charmed Ring and Other Stories] reveals the complicated interlinked chains of the world that people cannot comprehend. Shahrooz and Reza try to rob a jew...
A Window on Asian Cinema
At the End of DaybreakTuk Chi, an average man in his 20s lives with his mother meets a teenager, Ing, who leads a boring life. They meet while ‘chatting’ over the Internet. Eventually, they meet and have sex at motels in order to escape their miserable...
World Cinema
BackyardSet in Mexico’s notorious Ciudad Juarez ? sadly known for its drug crime and the recent murders of hundreds of maquiladora, female factory workers ?, [Backyard] drapes a scathing exploration of contemporary society on the framewor...