Midnight Passion
Crows ⅡSeveral months have passed since the end of the first episode. Genji and his victorious G.P.S. alliance find themselves facing down a new challenge by the students of Hosen Academy, feared by everyone as ‘The Army of Killers.’ The...
World Cinema
Crush“We didn’t invite any celebrities. The authors of the [Crush] are friends we love. And we got a chance to get together and to be a little naughty. The rules were simple: each director was bound not only by the common topic and the...
Wide Angle
Dance of TimeThe director, who admired Che Guevara, was preparing for a melodrama based in Cuba when he came across a story about the Chosun people who were sent to Cuba and forced to live there 100 years ago. He follows the lives of the desce...
World Cinema
Dans tes brasAdopted when he was younger, Louis leaves home to find his biological mother after a fight with his step-parents. Operating a flower shop and living alone in Solange denies when her son, whom she has forgotten for so long, appears...
New Currents
Dead Slowly[Dead Slowly] throws doubt and skepticism into the “relationship” between people. It depicts a man who gets into a motorcycle accident, his wife Mei, younger sister, and mother. It also tells the story of Ying, a young woman, who ...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Dear DoctorSoma, a young doctor from Tokyo keeps sighing when heading toward a remote rural village where he is assigned an internship. He is not wrong to feel that he is overqualified for the job. However Ino, an excellent old doctor in the...
Korean Cinema Today
Dear Music: That is, their fantasy heading for the seaThis film shows a cinematic experiment which is led by music and is a road movie which tells the story by following a single musical album. The journey that travels from Gahoe-dong, Seoul to the sea may be viewed as somewhat stere...
World Cinema
Dédé“Like many young people his age, he wanted to change the world, but Dede was without a doubt the biggest idealist, dreamer and poet of us all. The one who walked taller than anyone, who rallied multi-generational crowds using his ...
Special Programs in Focus
Deep RedAt the World Psychics Conference, Helga, a psychic, senses the presence of a killer, but soon is murdered. Mark, who saw a suspicious looking man in a trench coat at the time, suspects something is missing from Helga’s apartment b...
World Cinema
Deliver Us from EvilDraped in the conventions of a thriller, Ole Bornedal looks into the heart of small town Denmark to reveal its xenophobic, classist nature. Lars, the town reprobate, runs over Anna while driving drunk, and in a moment of clear-eye...