Flash Forward
Country WeddingWhat happens when a tolerable one hour stretches into five or six or more? In Valdis Oskarsdottir’s new comedy-drama, two busloads?one headed by the bride, Ingibjorg, and one by the groom, Bardi?of wedding guests get lost en route...
Special Programs in Focus
Crossing DatesCrossing Dates portraits three different stories: Bogdanovici and Bogdanovici, Mirela and Torbjorn,Andrei and Ana. A famous entertainer Bognadovici decides to interview a prisoner having the samename, Bogdanovici. A prison governo...
Korean Cinema Today
Crush and BlushStudents and colleagues regard Yang Mi-suk, a high school Russian teacher who blushes easily because of a facial flushing condition, as unattractive. She has been in love with her colleague Mr. Seo since her high school days, but ...
Gala Presentation
Dada`s Dance“To tell the truth, she is not your real mother.” The secret revealed by the boyfriend of Dada’s mother is more abrupt than striking. With this new knowledge, Dada immediately decides to leave home. Jao, who has been carrying a to...
Special Programs in Focus
Darna AjaibIndonesian version of Darna, inspired by Darna of the Philippines. Comparing this version with Philippine’s original could be a good example of the cultural interactions and influences. This is the only superheroine film made in I...
Special Programs in Focus
Darna, Ang PagbabalikFemale superheroes are rare even among the western superheroes, and Darna is definitely the one and only female superhero in Asia. Even though the character is originated from a Filipino comics, some may point out that Darna is ve...
World Cinema
Dawn of the WorldAt the delta where the Euphrates and Tigris rivers meet sits the Mesopotamian Marshes, and it is where Mastour and Zahra grow up. They marry, but are soon separated by the outbreak of, first, the Iran-Iraq war and later the Gulf W...
World Cinema
Dean SpanleyIt was one of the things that attracted me to the script, in relation to my Fiji background. We don’t really think of reincarnation, you don’t talk about it in those terms, but you do say, “Oh, there’s your grandmother outside,” w...
World Cinema
DeltaI tried to understand the kind of freedom that allows someone to transcend the norm, rather than talk about sexual deviance. It is not the incest that is at the heart of the story, but the courage it takes to accept what is a natu...
A Window on Asian Cinema
DeparturesA cellist named Daigo returns home to Yamagata to look for a new job after his orchestra was disbanded. He is employed by a mortician company, but Daigo can’t even tell his wife what he is doing because he is ashamed of the job. N...