Open Cinema
The Sky CrawlersDirector Mamoru Oshii has always placed his imaginative world at the border of reality and virtual reality, past and future. Based on a novel by Hiroshi Mori, The Sky Crawlers flies to that border with Oshii’s message to the young...
A Window on Asian Cinema
The Song of SparrowsJust like some previous works of Majid Majidi, this film also focuses on the theme that people in difficulty realize the meaning of life when they try to overcome their problems. This time, the film centers on a middle-aged man wh...
Wide Angle
The Story of Mr.SorryThe Story of Mr. Sorry is an adaptation of a story by Lee Juck, a well-known Korean musician and writer. The film unfolds a controversial debate on the assassination of a spider. The spider is actually a man named Mr. Sorry. The f...
World Cinema
The Stranger in MeIn almost every society in the world lies the belief that the birth of a child is the zenith of womanhood, and that all women naturally embrace inborn maternal instincts. In Emily Atef’s assured drama, Rebecca and Julian experienc...
World Cinema
The Tour‘The war’ will be presented through a special group of actors who view the world a bit differently than the rest. The actors are at the same time a serious and frivolous sort. The nature of their art contains something very childi...
Special Programs in Focus
The Tube with a HatMarian is looking forward to watch his favorite movie of Sunday evening, but the old TV set must be fixed beforehand.
Wide Angle
The Unbearable Heaviness of NaggingA mother’s everyday nagging is relentless. But when she passes away and the only thing left in her son’s arms is a smiling picture of her. The camera captures the moment when the unbearable nagging eats into the son’s heart in th...
World Cinema
The Vanished EmpireOn the surface, The Vanished Empire is a traditional student love triangle drama. In reality it’s much more. In Moscow of 1974, the Soviet Union is at its zenith, and the concept that the empire won’t exist one day is a fantasy. S...
A Window on Asian Cinema
The YurtThere is a father and a son. Believing he lost his wife and parents because of his political activities, the father decides to seclude his son from the mundane world. But the son is eager to break out into the world. Their stubbor...
A Window on Asian Cinema
This LongingThis Longing is a report on familiar things that fade away. The film consists of two stories. Sidi lives with his father in Johor Bahru near the border between Malaysia and Singapore. The location of his mother, who went to Indone...