A Window on Asian Cinema
SlingshotBrillante Mendoza, a central figure in Filipino films, catches, in documentary style, a lower class life of theft and pick-pocketing during Holy Week and the election. Hand-held shots look brilliant as in his previous film Foster ...
World Cinema
Solitary FragmentsAdela is a single mother living in the country with her father. She opts to move to Madrid for a better life, finding a roommate in Ines. Ines’ mother is Antonia, a widow and mother of three daughters. When Adela is on a bus that ...
A Window on Asian Cinema
SolosYearning for relationship and communication is an issue characters struggle with in this film yet there isn’t a single word of dialogue being spoken. It is hard to imagine thinking so innocently that conversation would resolve the...
Korean Cinema Today
Somewhere Over HereNewly graduated from college, Soo-yeon wants to go abroad to study music. After arguing with her mother about the money to go abroad, Soo-yeon leaves her mother and starts living with her college mate, Dong-ho, and hanging out wit...
World Cinema
Son of a Lion“In the main bazaar of Darra Adam Khel the Kalashnikov and a variety of small arms are displayed in the open just as vegetables are in a conventional market. Volleys of gunfire sound above the traffic noise and Islamic prayers as ...
Wide Angle
Sonic MirrorIt has often been said that music is the only truly universal language, and director Mika Kaurismaki continues the exploration of global sounds he started in Moro No Brasil and Brasileirinho with this documentary about rhythm and ...
Korean Cinema Today
SooJUNG Tae-soo is a caretaker called Soo who kidnaps the executive KIM Jin-man and forces him to sign the document, and turns the whole area upside down. A cop who has been after him is crushed by a running truck and KIM Jin-man is ...
Korean Cinema Today
SpareGwang-tae is constantly being threatened by men of Myung-su to whom he owes money. He finally asks his friend Gil-do to find a way to sell his organs to pay off 80 million won in debt. Gil-do with his gambling problem, deceives hi...
World Cinema
StagesRoos and Martin are parents to a depressed 17-year-old, Isaac, who’s breaking into houses and increasingly withdrawing into himself. Together they seek a resolution, but are hampered by their shared past: they are divorced, but no...
World Cinema
State of the WorldShorts by directors from around the world illuminate and contextualize the world as it is today. From Wang Bing comes Brutality Factory, the story of a building site where the ghosts of the past tell their tales. Tarrafal from Ped...