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The Arch of Chastity

Korean Cinema Retrospective

The Arch of Chastity
  • Korea
  • 2006
  • 99min

Han, the daughter-in-law of Kim’s family, was granted the ‘arch of chastity’ after becoming a widow at an early age. One rainy night after a severe drought, Han has an affair with Sung-chil the farmhand, and becomes pregnant. In o...

The Bet Collector

A Window on Asian Cinema

The Bet Collector
  • Philippines
  • 2006
  • 98min

Jueteng is a numbers game that has been popular in the Philippines since the Spanish colonial period. It is officially illegal, but jueteng operators may be found all over the country. Millions of people depend on jueteng for thei...

The Bimo Records

Wide Angle

The Bimo Records
  • China
  • 2006
  • 91min

The Bimo Records is an amazing movie in that it presents flowing pictures so that gets audiences confused with the genre, a documentary or a highly polished film drama. This movie is produced for four years to cover the minor trib...

The Black Box

Special Programs in Focus

The Black Box
  • France
  • 2006
  • 88min

After a car accident, Arthur falls into a coma. Then, he has to face an odd enigma: what was he doing on this road near Cherbourg? His disturbing speech of incoherent sentences coming straight from his unconscious has been written...

The Blood of Yingzhou District

Wide Angle

The Blood of Yingzhou District
  • China,United States
  • 2006
  • 39min

The Blood of Yingzhou District is a documentary about orphans in rural areas who were abandoned when their parents sold their blood due to poverty, contracted AIDS, and died. It would be easy to dismiss this film as a facile piece...

The Boss of it All

World Cinema

The Boss of it All
  • Denmark
  • 2006
  • 100min

The owner of an IT company decides to sell it. During the negotiations, the prospective buyers ask to meet the president. Little do they realize that there is no president: the owner created the man so that he wouldn`t have to dea...

The Bothersome Man

World Cinema

The Bothersome Man
  • Norway
  • 2006
  • 95min

Jens Lien`s follow-up to his first film, [Jonny Vang], is this pitch black comedy set in a utopian dystopia, where Andreas is blessed with a perfect wife and unchallenging job, where everything is spotlessly clean, and where missi...

The Caiman

World Cinema

The Caiman
  • Italy,France
  • 2006
  • 112min

Schlock film producer Bruno Bonomo is at a crossroads in both his personal and professional lives. As financing for his next throwaway film is difficult to secure, he stumbles upon a screenplay by a young woman with a hidden agend...

The Chinese Botanist`s Daughters

A Window on Asian Cinema

The Chinese Botanist`s Daughters
  • China,France,Canada
  • 2006
  • 105min

Min, an orphan girl, sets off to study with a renowned botanist. A secretive man and authoritarian father, the professor lives on an island that he has transformed into a luxurious garden. Obliged to share this solitary, withdrawn...

The City of Violence

Korean Cinema Today

The City of Violence
  • Korea
  • 2006
  • 92min

Taesu, who works as a police investigator in Seoul, returns to his old home, with an obituary notice of his old friend, Wangjae. He meets up with his other friends, Pilho, Seokwhan and Dongwhan at the funeral rites. Taesu feels th...

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