New Current
Waiting AloneWaiting Alone is a seemingly common love story of young Chinese people in the modern world. Why does Director Dayyan Eng tell the same old love story? He wants to focus on the rapidly changing life style of Chinese youth and their...
World Cinema
Waiting for the CloudsIn the port town of Trebolu, 65-year old Ayshe Ilives with her dying sister Selma, a day the fiercely devoted Ayshe dreads. Nonetheless, she befriends the neighbor′s son, Mehmet, telling him fantastic stories, making both happy f...
Wide Angle
Walking for LifeJoo Hee used to belong to Sesemteo, a support group for teenage drug addicts. She doesn′t want to become a homeless person so she learns how to farm. She meets a lot of different people at a rice farming group. Under the blazing s...
A Window on Asian Cinema
We Shall Overcome SomedayIn 1968 Kyoto, Japanese high school student Kosuke spends everyday dreaming of having girlfriend. An-sung, the leader of a delinquent group at a Korean high school for Korean residents, spends everyday fighting against rowdy Karat...
Wide Angle
What Do People Live ForThe family of the dead struggled for 422 days and finally a special law was passed to investigate the unexplained deaths at the hands of former governments. This film is a sequel to Mindullae, and depicts the activities and limits...
A Window on Asian Cinema
When Beckham Met OwenWhat would have happened when Beckham met Owen? They met and played the soccer. Then, how about when David met Michael? They also played the soccer. And Michael happened to love David.. When Beckham Met Owen is the story of two 13...
Korean Cinema Retrospective
When Taekwondo StrikesIn the 1970s, Golden Harvest attempted co-productions with Korean film companies in their search for the next Bruce Lee. Their search took them to the nation of taekwondo and turned up various beautiful outdoor locations and histo...
Special Programs in Focus
When...this is a story of young girl who is trapped in a confusing and stressful condition. She was forced to a matter of life and death of a baby she conceived. This film mostly tells about her arguments with her boyfriend, her ...
World Cinema
WhiskyJacobo′s life is his gloomy little stocking factory. Most of his time is spent grumbling orders to his humble and loyal assistant Marta. Their relationship never goes beyond quietly and efficiently working side by side. Jacobo′s ...
Wide Angle
White IlluminationShinchi loses his footing while on a date with his girlfriend, Kaori. He has been in a coma ever since. Kaon, a drama student, has been trying to nurse Shinchi back to health. One day, Kaori′s computer Crashes. She leaves it runni...