World Cinema
Father and SonA father and son live together in a rooftop apartment that thanks to their haunting memories and personal rituals is more like their own private world. So enmeshed have they become that sometimes they seem more like brothers than ...
Critics' Choice
Feathers in My HeadThe small Belgian town of Genappe revolves around its sugar factory. Rotting beets in the town′s surrounding drainage system attracts migratory birds. The quiet routine of Blanche′s family is upset when her young son disappears. W...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Feeding Boys, AyayaWhat makes a boy want to sell his body? Cui Zi′en, the doyen of Queer Chinese Cinema, here turns away from relatively high-flown queer theory towards street-level realities. But it′s not entirety a theory-free zone: the main prota...
Wide Angle
Fill In the BlanksA man and a woman, and another woman and a little child are on the train. They do not know one another but are confined in the same space. The woman looks uncomfortable sitting on her seat and them an buys milk, while the other wo...
Wide Angle
First GradeMin-woo is in the first grade of elementary school with an ardent mother who does some sideline job at home and a father who always comes home late drunk. Min-woo is afraid and uncomfortable with his father. There is rumor among t...
Korean Cinema Retrospective: Chung Chang-wha, the Man of Action!
Five Fingers of DeathA martial art competition is held and Cho Ji-ho, who has wanted to live a peaceful life, is sent by his former master to learn better skills at the Sang-Moo Martial Academy under the tutelage of a new master and thus participate i...
Korean Cinema Retrospective: Chung Chang-wha, the Man of Action!
Five Fingers of DeathIn December 1972, Anyang Production imported Five Fingers of Death under the title An Iron Man in the form of joint production. However, it is an irony that the Korean audiences did not know that An Iron Man was the same film whic...
Special Programs in Focus
Flower & GarnetEight-year old Garnet and his sixteen-year old sister Flower have grown up in an environment of stifled grief. Their mother died unexpectedly while giving birth to Garnet and since then their father Ed manages to put food on the t...
Special Programs in Focus
FrozenWang Xiaoshuai′s second ′underground′ feature was shot in 1994, soon after The Days, but not post-produced until three years later. In the interim, the Chinese authorities enacted legislation to outlaw independent film-making, and...