A Window on Asian Cinema
The Blessing BellAnother comedy from director Sabu, The Blessing Bell follows the trail of a man who may be the luckiest unlucky person. The factory shutdown leaves Igarashi jobless on his first day of work. As he aimlessly trudges along the road,...
Wide Angle
The Border CityA sociology professor in Germany, Song Doo-yul, is suspected by the Korean government of being a North Korean spy, and he has been presently prohibited from entering Korea. But after 33 years in foreign lands, the professor is pre...
Wide Angle
The ButterflySet in medieval Japan, a young woman fights to protect the memory of her samurai fiance who died during the war.
Wide Angle
The Cherries Which Were CannedHer beloved husband is sent to the front line just two months before he is to be discharged from military service. When she is informed of her husband’s death in battle, she tries to find a photo of the two of them together taken ...
Opening Film
The Coast GuardWhile a film festival is set up as an arena where ‘pleasure’is embraced, it is also a place where we as a general audience or cinephiles celebrate the meaning of cinema and also contemplate how we should live with it as well. For ...
World Cinema
The CuckooDuring World War II, Russian soldiers used the term “cuckoo” to refer to enemy Finnish snipers who, despite being sorely outnumbered and poorly equipped, inflicted serious damage on the Red Army. When a Finn became a sniper, it wa...
Wide Angle
The EyelashesA man lying on a hospital bed. A child staggering dangerously along the field. A woman touching her hair as it blows against the wind. A lone scream of a man over these images. This film is about a man in search of his mother- a m...
A Window on Asian Cinema
The FlagBudi and Rosi, who are assigned the important task of hoisting a flag on Monday’s at school, carefully bring the flag home. There is a lot to do; wash the flag, let it dry, and ironing it. The only problem however, is the flag kee...
Wide Angle
The Fly SWAT(Special Weapons Attack Team)!The time has come for a private Park--a man with patriotism but a hopeless klutz who wants to prove that he is a man. He has been ordered to exterminate a fly which has flown into a conference room where the commanding officer is ...
Wide Angle
The King and His SculptorThe students in the Department of Film at Sejong University hold a demonstration for the expansion of educational facilities and supplementation of professors. One cannot help but feel sorry for the students, who must brandish pic...