Korean Panorama
Turning GateAfter rejected at a casting call, the rather unsuccessful actor, Kyung-soo takes off to Chuncheon where he meets a woman who lures him into a one-night stand. Heading home on the train, he meets another woman and pursues her. The ...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Unknown PleasuresIn the year 2001, China successfully joins the WTO, and also acquires the role of hosting the 2008 Summer Olympics. But while China successfully enters the international scene, factory workers who have lost their jobs set explosiv...
World Cinema
Utopia BluesNever to live without passion. The future that Rafael wants for himself is encapsulated in these few words. He is the self-styled leader of the Utopia Blues Band, a rock group which it happens doesn’t yet exist; nonetheless, Rafae...
World Cinema
Virgin of LustMax Aub’s tale, The true story of Francisco Franco’s death, on which this film is based, suggests a fictitious version of the events around his death, which could not be explored at the time, as the tale was written when the Gener...
Wide Angle
VoyeurYoung Nonoi, who lives with his mother and aunt, accidentally watches their sexual act. Nonoi starts to behave strangely after becoming conscious of their relationship. Through this film, director tries to make the audience recons...
The Critics` Week
Waiting for HappinessMauritania, a country in Africa, had to struggle for years to gain its independence. And for those people who never knew that there are filmmakers in Mauritania, this film will be a pleasant surprise. Waiting for Happiness is a ne...
A Window on Asian Cinema
What′s with Love?While watching What’s with Love?, one cannot stop but wonder if the lives of the inner-city youth everywhere are the same, whether in Korea, the U.S., or Indonesia. 17-year-old high school student Cinta is a beautiful, smart, and ...
New Current
Woman of WaterWoman of Water was inspired by the true story of UA who plays Ryo in the film. UA is a famous singer in Japan, who seems to call upon rain every time she performs at an important concert. Based on this fact, the film revolves arou...
New Current
Women’s PrisonIs there a nation that unjustly imprisons its citizens? According to independent film director Manijeh Hekmat, Iran is such a society. When one realizes that two thirds of Iranian citizens have been to prison, one can understand t...
World Cinema
Year of the DevilIn Year of the Devil a Czech folk star, a band of funeral musicians, and a Dutch filmmaker stumble towards enlightenment on a remarkable musical tour. When the folk singer approaches the band asking them to perform with him, he th...