A Window on Asian Cinema
The FireflyThe director and star from the highly successful Poppoya-Railroad Man return for The Firefly. Whereas in the earlier film, director Yasuo Furuhata captured the audiences by depicting the mental state of the middle-aged in Japan, i...
Wide Angle
The Jang Sun-Woo VariationsJang Sun-Woo was at the forefront of the New Wave movement in the 1980s. Although he suffered from political oppression and systematic censorship, his films received critical acclaim for their unrelenting portrayal of social ills....
Wide Angle
The LandscapeJung Jae-Wan, who is handicapped with cerebral infantile paralysis, spends his days selling all sorts of trinkets on the street. His life is difficult, filled with loneliness and economic hardship. To escape from this reality he v...
Openinig Film
The Last WitnessThe 6th Pusan International Film Festival opens with director Bae Chang-Ho′s new film, The Last Witness; a solid drama without an inch of error. The body of an old man is found on the banks of the Han River. During his inquiry int...
Open Cinema
The LoversBored with her husband Henri, a wealthy newspaper owner obsessed with his work, a middle-aged woman, Jeanne Tournier, regularly trots off to Paris, where her craving for excitement is satiated by a flighty crowd of socialites. Hen...
Open Cinema
The Man Who Wasn′t ThereShot in black and white, The Man Who Wasn′t There is an edgy film noir from the Minnesota-based Coen brothers. Set in a sleepy Northern California town in the 1940s, the film is about a humble barber Ed who suspects his wife, Dori...
A Window on Asian Cinema
The Marriage CertificateWhat use is a system/ideology when it cannot even catch up to the changing times? It is not only useless, but sometimes it even suppresses the people living under it. The Marriage Certificate is a film from China, deliciously sa...
Special Programs in Focus
The MoonhunterThe Moonhunter tells a true story of two young revolutionaries. Seksan Prasertkul, a fearless student leader, who, in October 1973, commanded the biggest mass demonstration in modern Thai history. The event led to a popular upri...
World Chinema
The RiverIn a small paper mill town during an hour on an autumnal Saturday morning when the sound barrier is broken by an army fighter plane, Milja shares her husband′s last moments by his bedside. In the pizzeria Leena stirs up a romance ...
A Window on Asian Cinema
The RoadThere′s a film director with a firm belief in the artistic value of movies. Due to the projectionist′s mistake during a film preview, a low-grade film is shown instead of the director′s much-anticipated new film. Furious, the dire...