Wide Angle
Farewell to the Factoryi′s the summer of 1998. Clouds hang over Hyundai Motors Company′s Ulsan Plant Ddomestic slump in the wake of the economic crisis, combined with shrinkage in the world to market, the leading enterprise in the Korean auto industry i...
Wide Angle
Father′s ToyFan lives with his aged father who has Alzheimer′s Disease. The disease makes the already strained relationship between father and son even more tense. When Fan′s father begins collecting dirty old junk from the streets and bring...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Flat TyreThis is a fictional film inspired by documentary. The director′s dilemma, and his decision to choose fiction over documentary is clearly embedded in the film. Photographer Meng and his friend Jianxin are shooting a 16mm documenta...
Wide Angle
Flower GirlDaisuke, Hana and Tetsu are three young Japanese sharing an apartment at Bondi Beach in Sydney. After a year of a carefree living, Daisuke has to return to Osaka to work in his father? butcher shop. He is secretly in love with his...
Wide Angle
Flying on WindFlying on Wind is a sensitive film with graceful, florid images and moderated dialogues without any superfluities. A boy and a girl, who don′t resemble each other a bit, are standing in a field. The girl, who hobbles severely, le...
World Cinema
FollowingFollowing is a wickedly clever story of how a young man′s obsession with following people leads him into a dark underworld. Bill, the unlikely hero, is a marginalized but intriguing Everyman who follows strangers at random on the ...
World Cinema
From the Edge of the CityThey hang out in clubs, hit the brothels and speed down the streets at night in a convertible. They make a living from petty crime and by picking up the odd client at Omonia square. These are the traits that connect a group of you...
A Window on Asian Cinema
GeminiThe renowned Japanese mystery writer Rampo Edogawa and Shinya Tsukamoto make their extraordinary rendezvous in Gemini. The grotesque world of Edogawa and the dynamic and fantastic world of Shinya Tsukamoto make for an unexpected ...
Wide Angle
Genghis BluesBlind American blues legend, Paul Pena played with greats such as T-Bone Walker, B.B. King, and Bonnie Raitt. In 1995 he became the first American to compete in an unusual contest of multi- harmonic ′throatsinging′, an art form p...
World Cinema
Ghost Dog : The Way of SamuraiGhost Dog lives above the world, alongside a flock of birds, in a homemade shack on the roof of an abandoned building. Ghost dog is a professional killer able to dissolve into the night and move through the city unnoticed. He live...