Wide Angle
GrandmotherGrandmother is only able to take her daughter, leaving her three sons in the North, on her escape to South Korea during the Korean War. Her lifelong wish is to see her sons again on the day of unification. However, she is getting...
Special Programs in Focus
Guests Who Came by the Last TrainOne common trait in Yu Hyun-Mok′s cinema is his refusal to incorporate the Hollywood-style convention of a single hero. Such a notion is evident in An Aimless Bullet, Daughters of the Pharmacist Kim, and in this film. Yu has stro...
Wide Angle
Haengdang-Dong PeopleKim Dong-Won has long supported the community movement for the needy, not only as a member of the community but also as a documentary filmmaker. He first visited the slums of Haengdang-Dong in 1994. The number of residents losing...
Wide Angle
Haengdang-Dong People 2Kim Dong-Won has long supported the community movement for the needy, not only as a member of the community but also as a documentary filmmaker. He first visited the slums of Haengdang-Dong in 1994. The number of residents losing...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Hakuchi: The InnocentThe son of the master of Japanimation, Tezka Osamu, Macoto Tezka′s Hakuchi: The Innocent is a film that recreates Tezka′s father′s animated world of fantasy in non-animated format. However he takes what his father has accomplishe...
Wide Angle
Hand Against The SunHand Against the Sun is a cine-poem of daydreams and meditations. Through a wolflike cry,heterogeneous sound and fragmented, discontinuous movements, this video creates a conflicting montage. The fusion of images transcending tim...
Special Programs in Focus
Heart Beating in the DarkRingo and Inako, a young couple apparently on the run, beg a room for the night from an old college friend of Ringo′s. During the night they make love twice (Inako seems inured to Ringo′s violence towards her) and act out two fla...
World Cinema
HumanityThe portrait of Pharaoh de Winter, a 30-something loner who is as humble as the earth he so profoundly appreciates. A simple man, but not a simpleton, Pharaoh is a small-town police lieutenant who must proceed through the motions ...
World Cinema
Idle RunningDizzy enjoys his routine student life in his dorm room: boozing, snoozing, and watching TV. His well-being depends on Evica, who seems to be in love with him, but Dizzy fails to notice it. One day a new room-mate arrives, the fres...
World Cinema
It All Starts TodayDaniel Lefebvre is the director of a kindergarten in Hernaing, near Valenciennes, in the north of France. A miner′s son, he is passionate about teaching in a region that was once prosperous but is now plagued by unemployment. Back...