Wide Angle
Ivan Mosjoukine or the Carnival ChildA brilliant and tragic chronicle of a great Russian actor who became a star of the French cinema. Taken back to the life of European Bohemia of the 20-30′s, this story is based on his remarkable career through actual photos, lett...
World Cinema
Jew-Boy LeviThe year is 1935, in a valley in the Black Forest. The cattle dealer Levi comes, like every year, into the valley to conduct his business. Levi has decided to win the hand and heart of Lisbeth Horger, the daughter of farmer Horger...
World Cinema
Journey to the SunThis tale of friendship and courage tracks a politically naive man′s initiation into the social realities of contemporary Turkey. When Mehmet is mistakenly identified as a Kurd by the Istanbul police, his dreams of a better life i...
Wide Angle
JudgementOne′s existence is a hazy, reflected image of death. Park Chan-Wook questions the truth of such reflected image through A corpse of a young woman is lying at the hospital morgue, just having arrived from major catastrophe. Two...
World Cinema
JuhaLiterature is full of triangle dramas, but very few of them can beat Juhani Aho′s Juha(1911) for its deepness of emotions and understanding of all three parties. The story is straight-forward and strong, yet full of detail, just w...
Open Cinema
KikujiroTakeshi Kitano, who has been challenging standard cinematic style since his directorial debut, makes an attempt at a standard story this time, keeping away from the sophisticated depiction of violence, one of his cinematic signatu...
Open Cinema
Kirikou and The SorceressOpnce upon a time,in a small villiage,somewhere in Africa... A little voice is heaard from inside the womb of a pregnant women:"Mother,give birth to me!""A child who can speak from his mother's womb can give birth to himself"repl...
Wide Angle
Kumar TalkiesKumar Talkies, the first feature documentary from Pankaj Rishi Kumar, explores the relationship between Kalpi, a small town in northern India, and its only surviving cinema hall, a decrepit and cash-strapped shed squatting in a s...
Korean Panorama
L`AmourIf growing up and the pain of a divided nation are the themes of Scent of Love and Until We Meet, L′Amour concerns morality and faith, two agents required to persevere through such situations. Lee Doo-Yong, who diversified Korean...
World Cinema
L′AutreLove at first sight, marriage. Adam and Hanane have fallen madly in love. The young Egyptian girl is a journalist from a humble background. She is writing to denounce the profiteering of the wealthy elite at the people′s expense. ...