Korean Panorama
Rainbow TroutRainbow Trout is a drama of brutality, where an everyday moment turns into a bloodbath. Two incidents constitute such change. The main incident comprises a visit by Min-Su and company to a trout farm run by their friend Chang-Hyu...
Special Programs in Focus
Rainy DaysUpon its publication, Yoon Heung-Kil′s ′Rainy Days′ was heralded as one of the best novels ever written (published in Japanese as well) yet it is unlikely that many will give such notice to its manifestation in film form. Most ac...
Special Programs in Focus
RashomonW inning the Golden Lion at Venice Film Festival in 1951, Rashomon became the first Japanese film to attract international attention. Ironically, however, it was a total flop in Japan. An adaptation by Shinobu Hashimoto and Akira...
World Cinema
RatcatcherJames Gillespie is 12 years old. The world he knew is changing. Haunted by a secret, he has become a stranger in his own family. He is drawn to the canal where he creates a world of his own. He finds an awkward tenderness with Ma...
Special Programs in Focus
Raymond Red ShortsRaymond Reds's early short films are not only amongst the very best films ever made in the Philippines but also some of the most original and allusive shorts in film history. Reds's background in painting and photography(he studie...
World Cinema
Return of the IdiotFrantisek(ldiot) never got to know or experience anything. He spent his adult life behind the walls of an asylum so he only has first impressions of everything. He now returns to his only known relatives, yet they don′t really kn...
Special Programs in Focus
RevengeThe notion that ′being′ only begins at the moment when it is endangered by ′not being,′ is illustrated at the beginning of the film by a Korean legend, and then by a story from the early 20th century. Yan, a teacher, kills Caj′s d...
World Cinema
RosieThe poignant story of a young teenager′s power of love for her mother and the unbreakable bond that links them together. Rosie is a sensitive and bright 13-year-old, whose longing for her mother′s love mirrors the latter′s strugg...
Wide Angle
SaluteIt′s another weary afternoon for an intense, Hitler-idolizing fascist. He is hit by a soccer ball, gets a bloody nose, and his gun breaks as he tries to retaliate. Eschewing overt comedy, Salute respects the seriousness of its su...
Korean Panorama
Scent of LoveThe centerpiece for this year′s Korean Panorama is a group of three films from old-time directors, each breaking a long silence. These films are welcome additions to their film careers and unique interpretations of the 1990′s. Fi...