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The Little Girl Who Sold the Sun

Wide Angle

The Little Girl Who Sold the Sun
  • Switzerland,France,Senegal
  • 1999
  • 45min

For a very long time, the hawkers who sold newspapers on the streets of Dakar were, without exception, all boys. But, this morning, their domination was challenged. What happened? Sili - for this is what the girl is called - is b...

The Longest Summer

A Window on Asian Cinema

The Longest Summer
  • Hong Kong,China
  • 1999
  • 128min

Splendid fireworks lit up the skies of Hong Kong in 1997. Fruit Chan′s The Longest Summer is a story of the misfits of society who felt confusion, isolation, and despair in the numerous fireworks of 97 Hong Kong. The fireworks st...

The Love Letter

World Cinema

The Love Letter
  • United States
  • 1999
  • 87min

In the sleepy New England town of Loblolly By The Sea, a letter has arrived that is going to wake things up. It is a love letter-ardent, sensual… and unsigned. Everybody who reads it wonders who it's for and who it's from. As the ...

The Man from Island West

Special Programs in Focus

The Man from Island West
  • Taiwan
  • 1999
  • 90min

Huang Mingchuan′s first film -- the first truly independent feature ever made in Taiwan -- tells two stories at once. One of them, told principally in voice-over, is very ancient: a founding myth from the Atayal tribe (one of the...

The Old Miner′s Song

Wide Angle

The Old Miner′s Song
  • Korea
  • 1999
  • 50min

Sabuk region is located deep in the Taebaek Mountains. Once a promising town with a flourishing coal-mining industry, it is slowly transforming into ruins, due to government′s policy for decreasing coal production and subsequent ...

The Outcast

New Currents

The Outcast
  • SriLanka
  • 1999
  • 72min

A film about a love affair between a widower and a married woman leads us to expect a bittersweet or tragic romance. Director Linton Semage may not actually stray from this typical plot in The Outcast, however it turns out that t...

The Personals

A Window on Asian Cinema

The Personals
  • Taiwan
  • 1999
  • 104min

Shown at the Cannes Film Festival this vear, The Personals tells of a woman who gets a new view of life from escaping her own past, with a serene and silent voice which is at the same time poignant. After her married lover disapp...

The Personals

Wide Angle

The Personals
  • United States
  • 1999
  • 37min

On stage, a group of seniors perform their roles with energy and laughter. Off stage, they conduct their everyday lives alone in silence. The Personals follows a drama group of senior citizens, as they rehearse and perform an orig...

The Picnic

Wide Angle

The Picnic
  • Korea
  • 1999
  • 14min

Some poets live their lives as a picnic; here we find a family going on a picnic for their demise. The obvious nature of their trip approaches with extreme strain on the viewers, with scenes unfolding in silence. As in his previ...

The Port of Last Resort

Wide Angle

The Port of Last Resort
  • Austria,United States
  • 1999
  • 79min

The Port of Last Resort follows the emigration of four former refugees-Fred Fields, Ernest Heppner, illo Heppner, and Siegmar Simon-who fled to Shanghai, a ′last resort′ for most refugees when borders around the world were closed...

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  • 문화체육관광부
  • 영화진흥위원회
  • 영화의전당