World Cinema
The Powder KegA night of despair in modern Belgrade. A night like any other, during which the paths of "ordinary people"cross in a tragic-comic ambiance of absurdity. The lives of these "ordinary people"reflect the state of Yugoslavia and the i...
World Cinema
The PrompterSiv lives for music and makes her living as a prompter at the Opera. Her entire lifework takes place in a box on the floor of the opera stage. Siv has never liked taking up much space. When Siv marries Fred, she moves into his hou...
Wide Angle
The Red Leaf LegendIn 1968, the Red Leaf Junior Baseball Team of Taiwan beat a Japanese team by 7 to 0 in an international tournament. The victory restored the self-respect of Taiwanese people depressed by the diplomatic uncertainty of the times. T...
Open Cinema
The Red ViolinI clearly remembered when I had the first vision of The Red Violin. It was in February 1994 and I was in a London cab, running late for a rendezvous. Today the film is finished and I look back proudly to what we did. The Red Viol...
A Window on Asian Cinema
The Servant′s ShirtThe Servant′s Shirt realistically captures the pre-open market ambience of the sixties in India. The film attempts to show the social conditions of the sixties by depicting details of the daily lives of the people, rather than to...
World Cinema
The SplitInspired by a true story. Sol Jensen, a young Icelandic woman, and Halil Atesh, originally from the countryside in Turkey, meet in Reykjavik and fall passionately in love. Ten years later, Halil becomes an established businessman...
Wide Angle
The Sun Addiction′99 Vancuver Film Festival, Short Film section The sun rises but, to the hearts of some, it hasn′t shone for sometime. They are the characters in [The Sun Addiction] ,such as a man selling birds to feed his ailing brother, a boy...
Special Programs in Focus
The TreasureOvercome with guilt, Willie Abeynaike sits writing his last confession, contemplating suicide. He begins to reflect on his past life, revealing the dark and evil forces in him that ultimately led him to his doom. Years ago, Willi...
Korean Panorama
The UprisingThe Uprising is Park Kwang-Su′s ambitious experiment on history and the cinema, deliberately reflecting the circumstances surrounding Korean cinema in the 1990s. In late 19th century Cheju Island, a small conflict between Catholi...
World Cinema
The Virgin SuicidesSet in suburban Grosse Point, Michigan in the 70 ′s, The Virgin Suicides is a darkly humorous, tender exploration into the romantic heart of adolescence. The Virgin Suicides chronicles the exploits of the beautiful, teenage Lisbo...