World Cinema
Tic TacDuring one 24 hour period, lives are interwoven together to create a film that depicts a number of separate stories about people at decisive moments in their lives. Kent and Ylva are on their way to the other side of the world, bu...
Wide Angle
To ComradeHow does a new cultural movement with populist aspirations actually go about the business of reaching the people? This film revolves around two 90s rock bands, May Day and the Ji-Chul Band and tries to answer the above question by...
Wide Angle
To Sang FotostudioThe relationship between photography and film has been the subject of my work on more than one occasion. It is a theme of Film-maker′s Holiday. In Face of Value (dedicated to the photographer Ed van der Elsken) and Amsterdam Globa...
Special Programs in Focus
To the Starry IslandThe island a place where pain cannot be relieved. With the tragedy of an event of forty years ago still fresh in their minds, the inhabitants of the island block a boat carrying the body of an exiled inhabitant. The past tragedy i...
New Currents
Too many ways to be No1Too Many Ways To be No.1 explores how a decision made at any one moment in a person′s life can change its entire course. The film′s two-part structure presents separate situations which initially appear unconnected to one another,...
Korean Panorama
Too Tired to DieAn interesting aspect of korean cinema is the variety of first features made overseas. The films in this year′s festival are as diverse as the differences among these countries. Shot in Poland, Taekwondo deals with nostalgia, whil...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Train to PakistanWhen a money-lender is murdered, suspicion falls upon Juggut Singh, the village gangster who, when not in jail, is carrying on a clandestine affair with a Muslim girl. It is 1947 and bloodshed has erupted between India and Pakista...
Wide Angle
Turtleneck SweaterA stage actor and his ex-lover meet. They walk around, see a play and have a few drinks. He talks about the problems of an actor′s life and she about housework. After the two spend a night together without making love, the man tri...
Wide Angle
Video RitualWho can foresee the moment of death? Death breaks the surface of reality and what is left for the living is the process of giving social meaning to the sudden end of life. We see the steps of the funeral ceremony, from the hands t...
Wide Angle
WastelandAndrei Schwartz found the occasion for this film in his early youth, when he was still living in Bucharest, close to a Roma settlement that was located at the edge of a garbage dump. Nothing has changed for the better for the Roma...