A Window on Asian Cinema
The Long JourneyIt is 1981, six years after Vietnam‘s war of reunification. The spirit of revolution has been forgotten as Vietnam faces a difficult economy. Director Le Hoang emphasizes the old social values of honor and cooperation in the story...
Retrospective Section
The Love of LabourorsThe Ming Hsing film company was established in 1922 and produced comedies imitating the works of Chaplin. The Love of Labourors is a good representation of the comedies popular in 1920s China. Zheng who works as both carpenter and...
A Window on Asian Cinema
The MirrorThe Mirror starts with the simple story of Mina, a little girl who has lost her way home from school. Our filmic expectations are challenged when the film changes midway from fiction to documentary. The shooting of the second half...
Open Cinema
The Opium WarHong Kong was returned to China on July 1,1997. In order to commemorate this historical event, Xie Jin made an epic on the Opium War,a disgraceful event in Chinese history. Established for this film, ′The Xichuan "The Opium War"Fi...
World Cinema
The Perfect CircleAdis and Kerim, two young boys, seven and nine years old, have found refuge in Hamza′s place, a poet whose wife and daughter have left Srajevo. Adis and his brother have lost their whole family but an aunt, Aicha, a refugee in Ger...
A Window on Asian Cinema
The Red DoorsThe Red Doors is a psychodrama about a middle aged dentist who has closed the door to his mind. Nabin is obsessed with his stiffening body, connecting this to his estranged wife, Nabin looks at the life of his chauffeur Dinu, a ha...
A Window on Asian Cinema
The RiverIt takes a while before we realize that the three central characters in The River are members of the same family: son, father and mother. They share a rundown apartment in Taipei but rarely speak to each other and lead very separa...
Wide Angle
The Saltman of TibetSince time immemorial, the nomadic herdsmen of northern Tibet have lived in an extremely harsh environment on the high plateau of the Himalayas, pasturing their yakes in the highest meadows of the world. In the spring of each year...
Wide Angle
The Six Day Fight in Myong Dong CathedralThis documentary is an account of the grassroots, pro-democracy struggle (within the larger Minjung Movement) of June 10, 1987, that ended up with demonstrators retreating from government police to Seoul′s Myong Dong Cathedral. Re...
Retrospective Section
The Spring Silkworms1930s Chinese cinema established a tradition of realism of which The Spring Silkworms is a representative work. Depictions of the urban poor and impoverished rural areas reveal the structural problems of Chinese society. The Sprin...