Wide Angle
The Illusion - Cinemania′s Crime ReportIm Sang-Gook tried living in the States, but disappointed, he returned to Korea. Back home, he lives completely isolated, indulging in movies and videotapes, A movie-addict, he starts to imitate life on screen...
A Window on Asian Cinema
The JourneyOne rainy night, the city of Tehran is targeted by enemy missiles, forcing Farhad Sadri, an abject intellectual, to flee with his family. Searching for security in the nostalgia of the upper-north country, Farhad causes a dreadful...
korean Retrospective
The Life and Death of the Hollywood KidThis film follows the intense fascination for Hollywood shared by Korean youth growing up in the 1950′s. Byung-Suk, a living archive of movie trivia, is the Hollywood Kid. With the help of his friends, he sets up a movie fan club ...
Wide Angle
The Lost BoxA bird glides a pure space of blue and lands on a pillar which transmutes into a box. The pillar eventually collapses and the bird wanders again, landing on another pillar to create another cycle.
Wide Angle
The LoverHer lover is herself. To escape from memories she cannot manage, she engenders another self, one that exists guaranteed to objectify the self. Nonetheless, the opression of her life continues along with contradictory fantasies. Th...
Wide Angle
The Maiden and The SoldierA maiden leaves for the battle field to search for her lost fiance.
korean Retrospective
The Man with Three CoffinsWithout reason, a man suddenly unearths his wife′s ashes and sets out to scatter them in her home-town, Kangwon. Among his many encounters is an eighty-year-old native North Korean man traumatized by the nation′s division, and his...
Wide Angle
The Murmuring-A Woman Being in Asia 2At "The House of Sharing," six Korean women, forced into military sexual slavery as " comfort women" for the Japanese Army during World War II, assist each other while receiving social care. In addition to ordinary activities lik...
Wide Angle
The Mushroom ParadiseDirector′s commentThe strong overpowers the weak, the plenty overwhelms the few, such that the weak cannot speak it’s mind and exert its will. The wavering mass makes the strong all the more fearless and shameless. That’s why I ma...
Wide Angle
The Quiet HarbourThe protagonist is a former member of Poland′s secret resistance organization, post-World War II. The communist regime killed all other resistance members but he has survived, simply because he has found "the quiet harbour," where...