La ChimeraThe director of Happy as Lazzaro, Alice Rohrwacher, presents her latest film, La Chimera, which revolves around the community of ‘tombarolo’ or tomb robbers in a village located in the Tuscan region of Italy. The director pays hom...
Wide Angle
Kiss the FutureAmid the breakup of Yugoslavia, the citizens of Sarajevo wake to find the city under siege and Bosnia at war. As the blockade stretches for years, living becomes an act of defiance and rock and punk music inspires and detracts fro...
Wide Angle
Kiarostami at WorkDirected by Seifollah Samadian, a long-time friend of Abbas Kiarostami who had worked on Kiarostami’s films as a cinematographer, Kiarostami at Work is a film that conveys Samadian’s genuine friendship and deep respect for Kiarost...
Midnight Passion
Birth/RebirthRose is a pathologist who prefers working with corpses over social interactions with the living. She also has an obsession: the reanimation of the dead. Celie is a maternity nurse who has built her life around her bouncy, chatterb...
World Cinema
The Teachers′ LoungeFar from the romanticized depictions of school with kind-hearted teachers and contemplative children, The Teachers’ Lounge delves into the problems of school life from the outset. Nowak, the film’s protagonist, strives to be a goo...
ParadiseIndian film producer Kesav and blogger Amritha are a married couple who arrive in Sri Lanka to tour the ancient sites of the Hindu epic Ramayana. On the first day of their journey, Kesav receives a phone call that Netflix is inter...
On the AdamantAdamant is a hospital psychiatric center. This film follows patients, caregivers, and doctors as they travel to and from the center, which floats on the Seine River. The director writes a few lines of sentence in the beginning and...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Ripples“Japan’s ranking in the Global Gender Gap index is 116th out of 146 countries. We remain a male-dominated society. Many households still uphold the old traditions where the men go out to work and the women stay home.” Director Ogi...
Midnight Passion
FatumDespite promising his partner that he has overcome his accursed addiction, compulsive gambler Sergio decides to profit from a tip-off about a rigged football match. Fully intent on winning to get back all of the money he has lost ...
Wide Angle
And the King Said, What a Fantastic MachineThere are more than forty-five billion cameras on the planet today, constantly capturing every moment of our lives, both mundane and extraordinary. The camera has become humanity’s shiny new toy. Swedish duo Axel Danielson and Max...