Critics` Choice
Early In The MorningGahite Fofana`s thoughtful and poetic film based on the tragic 1999 true story of two African teenagers discovered in the landing gear of a jet. This film follows two Guinean teenagers Yaguine and Fode who, unable to find employme...
A Window on Asian Cinema
The Postmodern Life of My AuntEven though this film is titled [The Postmodern Life of My Aunt], it is oddly about the main character`s pre-modern life. Middle-aged Ye Rutang has moved to Shanghai after separating from her husband. In Shanghai, she maintains wh...
Special Programs in Focus
NeighborsThe film was made during British colonial rule of India, and is a dark critique of the divide-and-rule policy of the British that stirred communal hatred between Hindus and Muslims, whose legacy continues in India to this day, wit...
Wide Angle
Meat DaysIn a chaotic time of men eating men. Ah Orr is a prostitute who exchanges meat everyday to bring food for her child and a sick husband. On the day of her husband`s death, the family was left with no choice but to eat the body. Dri...
World Cinema
The HostageWhen a hijacker forces a plane to land at Riga airport, seven-year-old Tom, traveling along, volunteers himself as a hostage. When the highjacker begins to make his demands, Tom`s requests are added to his. They include chocolate,...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Illusion[Illusion] is a melodrama with eroticism and retro touches. Set in the late 1950s, the film shows retro touches in every aspect including dramatic structure, music, and performances. Also, with its surreal images, [Illusion] creat...
A Window on Asian Cinema
Men at WorkThe second feature film of Mani Hagigi. It is a sophisticated comedy based on an idea took from from iranian auteur Abbas Kiarostami. This film describes the men′s struggle with the intractable boulder as an allegory for the natur...
World Cinema
Clash of EgosFor anyone who`s ever wished they could have five minutes with a filmmaker in order to demand a refund for a disappointing film, [Clash of Egos] will reverberate soundly. The comedy`s title in English is literally “explosive bomb”...
World Cinema
Free FloatingIt is summertime, and young Lyonya`s cursed with the need to make a decision for the first time in his life. In a town where a factory career was the default, its closing forces everyone to suddenly make their own choices. Lyonya ...
Wide Angle
Interior AwakeningsBack to back, two vending machines stand in a corner of a dark street, trading goods for coins. They are not even aware of each other`s existence until a man and a woman meet for a date beside them.