

영화 정보


12th(2007) A Window on Asian Cinema

Family · Psychology · Urbanization  

  • CountryIndia
  • Production Year2007
  • Running Time110min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorB&W
Program Note
The best film of the year from India, Frozen is about a family living peacefully in a mountain village in the Himalayas, who suddenly get hit with a tragedy and must work to overcome it. Lasya lives with her father Karma and younger brother Chomo. Lasya’s family suffers from chronic debts and is plagued by an army suddenly coming into the village to set up a base. The only way they can overcome despair is through love. Though they face many hardships, they always learn and become wiser from them. To Chomo, the wheel on the machine that Karma spins to make jam is like the wheel of agony that life has handed him. Lasya is a free-spirited young girl. Even after the tragedy of losing her father and brother, her face remains peaceful and calm. Shot in black and white in the setting of the peaceful Himalayas, the film follows Lasya letting go of the heavy load on her shoulders, achieving a wise man’s enlightenment. (Kim Ji-suk)
Shivajee Chandrabhushan DEOGAM
Shivajee Chandrabhushan has a bachelor degree in Sociology. He began his career producing music videos for Indian TV. But it was his interest in photography and travelling that led him to Ladakh, where Frozen was filmed. Frozen is his first feature length film. He is 35 years old and lives in Mumbai.
  • Director Shivajee Chandrabhushan DEOGAM 쉬바지 찬드라부샨 데오감
  • Producer Shivajee Chandrabhushan DEOGAM
  • Cast Danny DENGZONGPA, Gauri, Angchuk GULTUK
  • Screenplay Shanker RAMAN
  • Cinematography Shanker RAMAN
  • Editor Shan MOHAMMED
  • Music John P VARKEY
  • Production Company Seagull Media Productions
    201/202, Crescent Towers, Near Morya House. Andheri(west) Mumbai, 400053, India