

영화 정보

Xiaolin Xiaoli

12th(2007) A Window on Asian Cinema

Social Criticism · Crime/Violence · Psychology  

  • CountryChina
  • Production Year2007
  • Running Time108min
  • Format HD
  • ColorCOLOR/B&W
Program Note
Xiaolin and Xiaoli each walk through a long dark tunnel. The film exposes the dark shadow of modern China through the stories of two unrelated characters. Xiaolin, who earns money through physical labor, suffers from excessive sexual desire but cannot afford to have a girlfriend. A married woman, Xiaoli lives away from her husband who works in Shanghai to pay off his debt. As her economical situation turns worse, she turns to prostitution. The couple promises each other to go back to their hometown when they make some money, but they don’t really believe it is possible. Xiaolin meets Xiaoli as her client, and his repressed lust surfaces as abuse towards Xiaoli. Xiaoli’s scream for help echoes loudly. Money has replaced traditional class segregation, making a new class system and her cry for help represents the pain of all lower class majority. (KIM Ji-suk)
Miaoyan Zhang
Miaoyan Zhang was born in Manchuria in 1964. After studying in Nanjing, Zhang worked as the Art Editor for Society & Family magazine from 1986-1991. He received his Master of Arts degree in Fine Arts in Painting from UC Berkely in 1994. Xialin Xioli is his first feature film.
  • Director Miaoyan Zhang 장 먀오옌
  • Producer Miaoyan ZHANG
  • Cast Danhui MAO, Yun LIU, Xiaolong DENG, Chengliang LI
  • Screenplay Lianggui WANG
  • Cinematography Miaoyan ZHANG
  • Editor Miaoyan ZHANG
  • Sound Junfeng WANG
  • Music James HILL
  • Production Company Rice Production
    2118 Junction Ave., El Cerrito, CA, 94530, USA