

영화 정보

A Corner of Heaven

19th(2014) A Window on Asian Cinema

Social Criticism · Children · Family  

  • CountryChina,France
  • Production Year2014
  • Running Time98min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorB&W
Program Note
When his mother suddenly vanishes, a young boy wanders the valley wasteland along the YellowRiver with only a letter from his mother in his possession. He ends up at a coal mining village where he finds a job. But when the backbreaking work and the surrounding violent adults takes their toll on him, the boy runs away and joins a band of similarly aged, boy thieves. He descends into a world of drug addiction, pushing his way through grown-ups living in an opium cave, sometimes tumbling down cliffs. The film follows the destitute labyrinth the poor boy’s life becomes, presenting an intimate account of everything he experiences and feels. He occasionally watches adults group dance in the city park, and the fireworks going off, but eventually returns to the wasteland and opens closed doors to a vast landscape that spreads out before his eyes. The endless maze-like world of the young boy represents a child’s fear of breaking away from its mother to grow up. The uncanny, dream-like scenery, shot in black and white, seemingly suggest the filmmaker’s search for small pieces of beauty within a miserable reality. A series of emotions from fear, concern, anger, despair, depravity to joy and hope the boy experiences during the course of an entire day are what he will have to endure during his lifetime. And this is what the film compactly captures. (Minah JEONG)
ZHANG Miaoyan
Born in Manchuria and growing up during the Cultural Revolution, Zhang Miaoyan rarely saw movies until he studied at UCBerkeley MFA in the early 1990s. Then he watched foreign movies nonstop. In 2006 he borrowed money and spent four weeks making his first movie Xiaolin Xiaoli (2007) which won the Public Award at Geneva’s BlackMovie Festival.
  • Director ZHANG Miaoyan 장먀오옌
  • Producer Miaoyan Zhang, Guillaume de Seille
  • Cast Guo Xinjiang, Huo Xuehui, Bai Haonan
  • Screenplay Rice Zhang
  • Cinematography Miaoyan Zhang
  • Production Design Du Juemin
  • Editor Miaoyan Zhang
  • Sound Qingshan Wang
  • Music Angel Firestars Simmons
  • Production Company Rice Productions,Arizona Productions
    China Xihu district, waidongshan lane, building 2, 3-501 Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China,France 5, bd Barbes 75018 Paris,

  • World Sales Arizona Productions
    France 5, bd Barbès 75018 Paris