
영화 정보

World Premiere The Passion of a Man Called Choe Che-u

New Currents

Tradition · History · Psychology

  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2011
  • Running Time106min
  • FormatHD
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
This low budget period drama is a rare beast indeed, costing a mere 70 million Won. For those with no time for expensive blockbusters, this film will be a welcome anomaly. Stanley PARK produced, wrote and directed the film as well as organising both the music and costumes. This film details the final days of 19th century progenitor of Eastern Learning, Choe Che-u, who sacrificed his life for his beliefs. Both subject matter and genre make for intriguing viewing. It is an elaborate composition hinting at Sergei Eisenstein’s internal montage and a dramatic rhythm akin to Andrei Tarkovsky’s ‘silence among movement’ and mise en scene. This film, in essence, is a kind of audio-visual homage, allowing the viewer insights into the director′s wealth of filmmaking knowledge. Ultimately the viewer is nudged towards the fundamental question, ‘Qu′est-ce que le cinema?’ This film emphasizes that ‘youth’ should not be judged by biological age alone. Comparisons with The Passion of Joan of Arc by Carl Theodor Dryer are worth exploring. (JEON Chanil)
Stanley PARK
Stanley Park is a film columnist whose short film [Dacapo] was screened at the Pucheon International Fantastic Film Festival in 2000. Between 2009 and 2010, he authored a classic film column collection. [The Passion of a Man Called Choe Che-u]is his feature directorial debut.
  • Director
    Stanley PARK
  • Producerstanley PARK
  • CastPARK sung jun
    SONG kung yea
  • Screenplaystanley PARK
  • CinematographyOH kwang keun
  • EditorGO lim pyo
  • SoundLEE seung chul
  • Musicstanley PARK
  • Production CompanyThe Filmclassic Production

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  • 부산광역시
  • 문화체육관광부
  • 영화진흥위원회
  • 영화의전당