

영화 정보

A Tale of Three Cities

20th(2015) A Window on Asian Cinema

Love/Romance · True Story · Women  

  • CountryChina
  • Production Year2014
  • Running Time130min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
A Tale of Three Cities deals with the desperate love of a couple who, separated by war, must find the strength to reach safety and be together. During the Sino-Japanese war, a widow and opium smuggler, Yuerong, and a widower, Daolong, fall hopelessly in love. But the fairy tale romance is put on hold when Daolong becomes a wanted man, with the authorities suspecting him of being a spy for the Chinese Nationalist Party. As the Japanese army steps ups its bombing campaigns in the region, the couple try to flee to Hong Kong via Anhui. But only Daolong succeeds in getting away, making it to Hong Kong and awaiting Yuerong’s arrival. Like other female characters in Mabel Cheung’s films, Yuerong is fragile yet strong. Her strength serves as a source of power that can protect both her children and her love. Yuerong and Daolong do eventually reunite in Hong Kong and have a baby boy, Gangsheng, who grows up to be none other than the martial arts film star Jackie Chan. (KIM Ji-seok)
Mabel Cheung is one of the leading film directors and producers in Hong Kong, known for her award-winning films including An Autumn’s Tale (1987), The Soong Sisters (1997), and Echoes of the Rainbow (2010). Other films she has made—City of Glass (1998), Beijing Rocks (2001), and Traces of a Dragon (2003)—have also been showcased at film festivals worldwide.
  • Director Mabel CHEUNG 메이블 청
  • Producer Zhonglei Wang, Alex Law, Nansun Shi
  • Cast Sean Lau, Wei Tang, Hailu Qin, Boran Jing
  • Screenplay Alex Law, Mabel Cheung
  • Cinematography Yu Wang
  • Production Design Tim Yip
  • Editor Chileung Kong, Hoi Wong
  • Music Henry Lai
  • Production Company Huayi Brothers Media Corporation,Huayi Brothers International Ltd.
    China Lou Tai Duan, Wenyu River, Tianzhu, Shunyi, Beijing,China Lou Tai Duan, Wenyu River, Tianzhu, Shunyi, Beijing,

  • World Sales Huayi Brothers International Ltd.
    China Lou Tai Duan, Wenyu River, Tianzhu, Shunyi, Beijing