
영화 정보

International Premiere Sisterhood

A Window on Asian Cinema

Love/Romance · Coming of Age · Women

  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year2019
  • Running Time88min
  • FormatDCP
  • ColorB&W
Program Note
Based in Tokyo, Director NISHIHARA Takashi maintains the feministic viewpoint and interviews young people living in modern times. He comprises this whole film by combining the fragments of young people’s lives with documentaries and narrative films. His subjects are students, nude models, and musicians in bad situations. The pieces of their lives combine well with Ishihara’s personal thesis, namely the argument for changing the society we live in today, forming the basis of the film’s narratives.
Real actors, musicians, and models living in the era of ‘Me Too Movement’ present their own prospects for the modern society, each playing fictional variations and talking about topics such as sex politics, family pressure, comfort at work, and the appearance of modern youth. NISHIHARA, who studied art and film at Waseda University, has been invited to several international film festivals, including Tokyo and Göteborg, for his second film Starting Over. Sisterhood is his fourth work. (Jay JEON)
Born in 1983 in Toyama Prefecture, Japan and graduated from the Department of Arts and Film at Waseda University. He directed BLUE RAY (2013), STARTING OVER (2014).
  • Director
    NISHIHARA Takashi
  • CastManami USAMARU
    Nina ENDO
    Mika AKIZUKI
    Ryo IWASE
    Junki TOZUKA
  • ScreenplayTakashi NISHIHARA
  • CinematographyYukiko IIOKA
    Daisuke YAMAMOTO
  • EditorTakashi NISHIHARA
  • SoundYoung Chang HWANG
  • MusicRowken
  • Production Companysky-key factory
  • World SalesHarakiri Films LLC

관련 기관 사이트

  • 부산광역시
  • 문화체육관광부
  • 영화진흥위원회
  • 영화의전당