
영화 정보

World Premiere book-paper-scissors

Wide Angle

True Story · Tradition · Labor

  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year2019
  • Running Time94min
  • FormatDCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
book-paper-scissors is a so-called master artisan documentary, which tells the story of KIKUCHI Nobuyoshi, a respected Japanese book designer. Throughout his life, 75-year-old KIKUCHI created the cover of over 15,000 books, all by hand. The process of drawing with his pen, cutting with scissors, pasting with glue, and sometimes crumpling and straightening paper has a similar fate as that of paper books today, gradually losing their footing in the digitalized world. Filmmaker HIROSE Nanako filmed KIKUCHI for three years with curiosity and admiration, thinking of her late father who was also a book designer. Seen through HIROSE’s eyes, KIKUCHI’s work is not much different from that of a writer or other artists, yet ironically KIKUCHI sees his own work as more functional and technical than artistic. But there is no doubt that bookmaking is a form of art. book-paper-scissors is a beautiful, meditational documentary without frills, just like KIKUCHI’s book covers. (KANG Sowon)
Born in Kanagawa, Japan, she attended Musashino Art University, and later worked at Kore-eda HIROKAZU’s Bun-Buku production company on television series such as Going My Home and features Our Little Sister, After the Storm and Miwa NISHIKAWA’s The Long Excuse. His Lost Name is her feature film debut, the film premiered at the 23rd Busan International Film Festival.
  • Director
    HIROSE Nanako
  • ProducerEiji KITAHARA
    Amy AOYAMA
  • CastNobuyoshi KIKUCHI
    Isao MITOBE
  • Musicbiobiopatata
    Tsunekichi SUZUKI
  • Production CompanyBUNBUKU
  • World SalesARTicle Films

관련 기관 사이트

  • 부산광역시
  • 문화체육관광부
  • 영화진흥위원회
  • 영화의전당