영화 정보

World Premiere
Los Lobos
Flash Forward
Family · Children · Human Rights
- CountryMexico
- Production Year2019
- Running Time94min
- FormatDCP
- ColorColor
Program Note
Max and Leo moved from Mexico to USA with their mother Lucia. She says that they will live a better life now, but the kids are locked up in a shabby studio in the daytime and fast asleep before she returns home exhausted at night. On the walls they doodle cartoons of imaginary Ninja wolves; wolves that are strong, wolves that do not cry, wolves that shout “One ticket to Disney” in English.
Los Lobos is a film that brings some painful but nostalgic memories of one’s childhood. You want that shiny little toy every other kid seems to have, you know your parents love you and want the best for you, you realize you’re selfish for wanting something that your parents cannot afford, you pretend it’s okay to settle for something else but it’s not, and even after all those years it still hurts to look back.
While covering some serious issues such as multicultural society, immigration problems, single parent family, Samuel KISHI LEOPO never lets go of his sensitive and careful approach, making this a genuinely heartfelt gem. (Karen Park)

Samuel KISHI LEOPO studied Visual Arts in Guadalajara′s University. His work has been selected in more than 100 international film festivals with his first film We are Mari Pepa.
- Director
Samuel KISHI LEOPO - ProducerInna PAYÁN
Leticia Carrillo SILVA - CastMartha REYES ARIAS
Leonardo NÁJAR MÁRQUEZ - ScreenplaySamuel Kishi LEOPO
Sofía Gómez CÓRDOVA - CinematographyOctavio ARAUZ
- Production DesignHania ROBLEDO
- EditorCarlos ESPINOZA
Yordi CAPO
Samuel Kishi LEOPO - SoundCarlos GARCÍA
Mario Martínez COBOS - MusicKenji Kishi LEOPO
- Production CompanyAnimal de Luz Films
leticia@animaldeluz.com - World SalesFiGa Films
