

영화 정보

The Long Walk

24th(2019) A Window on Asian Cinema

Rural · Suspense/Mystery · Spirituality · Psychology  

  • CountryLaos,Spain,Singapore
  • Production Year2019
  • Running Time116min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
The time and space cannot be specified in a sleepy rural village in Laos. A boy’s family make a poor living by farming and bartering the crops. As his mother becomes sick with tuberculosis, his father abandons the family. Since the boy witnesses a girl killed by a traffic accident, he befriends with the girl’s spirit. As time goes by, the city has been developing while the countryside remains almost the same. The rural area only adopted somehow to welcome the tourists from the city looking for a simple experience in the suburbs. The boy became an old man who has been living in guilt that he could not help his mother suffering and dying for a long time. He realizes that the quiet ghost can make time travel setting out on a journey to correct past mistakes. Known for her two previous horror films, Mattie Do created a unique atmosphere where the time, life and death collide. (PARK Sungho)
Mattie DO
Born to Lao refugees, Mattie was raised in Los Angeles, but returned permanently to Laos a decade ago. Her debut film, Chanthaly , was the first Lao film to screen outside of SE Asia. Her second film, Dearest Sister , received Special Jury Mentions at Sitges and Fantasporto, Mattie Do is Laos’ first, and only, female filmmaker.
  • Director Mattie DO 매티 도
  • Producer Annick MAHNERT, Douangmany SOLIPHANH, Mattie DO, Christopher LARSEN, Justin DEIMEN
  • Cast Yannawoutthi CHANTHALUNGSY,
  • Screenplay Christopher LARSEN
  • Editor Zohar MICHEL
  • Sound Alex BOYESEN
  • Music Anthony WEEDEN
  • Production Company Lao Art Media,Screen Division,Aurora Media,108 Media
    Laos 159 Nongsnokham, Sikhottabong District, Vientiene,Spain C/ Sant Josep 33-35, 08870 Sitges,Singapore 35b Mosque Street, 059513 Singapore,Singapore The Great Room, One George Street #10-01, 049145,,,

  • World Sales 108 Media
    Singapore The Great Room, One George Street #10-01, 049145 Singapore