
영화 정보

World Premiere A Lonely Island in the Distant Sea

Korean Cinema Today

  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2021
  • Running Time116min
  • FormatDCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
As the title suggests, this film is serene and contemplative in the way that it portrays drifts, solitude, and mysteries in life with a calm voice. Yoonchul is a sculptor, but he mostly makes living with an interior design job. He is divorced, and his daughter fails to fit into the school life and is considered a troublemaker, although she shows much talent in art, like her father. One day, Yoonchul meets an attractive woman, Youngji, and falls in love with her. The characters in the film stay calm when they face critical moments in their lives. They show dignity even when they have sudden attacks or tragic turns. This film provides a chance to experience time of deep contemplation with its careful performance, elegant structure and cinematography, and mature attitude. (JUNG Hanseok)
KIM Miyoung
Kim Miyoung, a graduate of the Korean Academy of Film Arts, worked as a reporter at KINO, a film magazine, and received a master′s degree with the thesis on Eisenstein′s montage theory. She worked in the directing team for three films directed by Im Kwontaek. She made four short films and two independent feature films. A Lonely Island in the Distant Sea is her third independent feature film.
  • Director
    KIM Miyoung
  • ProducerSe-jin LEE
  • CastJong-hwan PARK
    Yeon LEE
    Kyung-hun KANG
    Hyun-suk PARK
    Su-bin CHUNG
    Jun-whee JANG
  • CinematographyJin-geun LEE
  • Production DesignChang-ho KANG
  • EditorMi-young KIM
  • SoundSeong-jin LEE
  • MusicKwang-ho CHO
  • Production CompanyBori and Odi

관련 기관 사이트

  • 부산광역시
  • 문화체육관광부
  • 영화진흥위원회
  • 영화의전당