
영화 정보


Wide Angle

  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year1998
  • Running Time9.5min
  • Format35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
It′s another weary afternoon for an intense, Hitler-idolizing fascist. He is hit by a soccer ball, gets a bloody nose, and his gun breaks as he tries to retaliate. Eschewing overt comedy, Salute respects the seriousness of its subject matter while making a mockery of fascism rather than gazing it with rage. The man′s exaggerated behavior seems isolated when intercut with images of the neighborhood blacks′ daily lives. Two kids looking for their ball seem collected as they glance on a roomful of Nazi artifacts; for them, Hitler′s portrait is nothing but a spot for graffiti. As the fascist returns, the man in the portrait is shown bald. (Cho Young-Jung)
Park Ji-Hoon
  • Director
    Park Ji-Hoon
  • ScreenplayPark Ji-Hoon
  • CinematographyLisa Zahara
  • Production CompanyPARK Ji Hoon
  • World SalesMirovision

관련 기관 사이트

  • 부산광역시
  • 문화체육관광부
  • 영화진흥위원회
  • 영화의전당