

영화 정보

The Knitting

17th(2012) Wide Angle

Love/Romance · Coming of Age · Women  

  • CountryKorea,South
  • Production Year2012
  • Running Time12min
  • Format HDCAM
  • ColorColor
Program Note
A woman is packing to move. Among the scattered piles she finds a knitting bag with an unfinished garment inside. She restarts the project but is soon disturbed by a friend hovering around the porch, burrowing through her stuff. Though a farewell lingers around the two, the film also serves as a manifestation of emotion from memories. (MOON Woong)
Eun-hye YOON
Since making her debut as a singer in 1999, Yoon Eun-Hye has been building a career as an actress as well, and is currently studying film and multimedia at Chung Ang University’s graduate school of Advanced Imaging Science. <The Knitting> is her first short film.
  • Director Eun-hye YOON 윤은혜
  • Producer LEE Choong-jik, KIM Hye-yeon
  • Cast LEE Sang-hee
  • Cinematography TAE Man-ho
  • Production Design PARK Seo-young
  • Editor CHOI Hee-young
  • Production Company The House Company
    Korea, South